
15 Healthy Superbowl Snacks That Are So Good, You’d Think They’re Bad

15 Healthy Superbowl Snacks That Are So Good, You’d Think They’re Bad

Super Bowl parties are infamous for their endless wings, pizza, beer, and generally unhealthy foods. And depending on weather or…

6 years ago

How To Beat the Mid-Semester Blues

Around the October-November cusp, after midterms are over and the semester is traveling at high speed towards the finish line,…

6 years ago

10 Best Healthy Snacks For An All-Nighter

We’ve all been there. You have to pull an all-nighter and you didn't have time to get a proper dinner.…

6 years ago

Healthy Crock Pot Recipes To Make At Home

Crock pots are an absolute bliss to cook with - they require minimal effort yet you can still prepare incredible…

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8 Tips To Prevent UTI’s That You Absolutely Need To Try

If you've ever had a UTI before you can identify the symptoms a mile away. The slightest tinge of burning…

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The 10 Best Healthy Food Bloggers You Should Be Following

Eating healthy and living an overall healthy lifestyle seems to be a growing trend. It can definitely be hard to…

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10 Beauty Brands You Should Get Familiar With

Beauty has become a catchallfor an industry that just keeps outdoing itself. With the rise of the "Beauty…

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5 Back To School Organizational Must-Haves

Back to school season is upon us. As stores begin to receive shipments of pencils and notecards and start to…

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10 Secrets No One Tells You About Your Skin

One of the biggest lies in the industry is having "perfect skin." Your skin is already perfect, and with these…

7 years ago

Why Yoga Should Become Part Of Your Self-Care Routine

How many times a day do you focus just on your body for your self-care routine? How many times a…

7 years ago