hair care

Top Tips For Growing Out Your Hair

Top Tips For Growing Out Your Hair

Growing out your hair out is always hard, especially when you are in a habit of doing things that are…

6 years ago

10 Beauty Brands You Should Get Familiar With

Beauty has become a catchallfor an industry that just keeps outdoing itself. With the rise of the "Beauty…

7 years ago

If Your Strands Are Turning Into Brassy Blonde Hair This Summer Season Try These

If you have blonde hair, then chances are you know the struggle of having it turn brassy during the summer.…

7 years ago

We Ranked The Best Purple Shampoo For Brassy Hair

Going blonde, especially in the summer months, comes with a lot of hassles: turning green in the pool, turning yellow…

7 years ago

Here’s Why You Should Incorporate Clarifying Shampoo Into Your Routine

Complete transparency here y'all, I had no idea what clarifying shampoo was until about five minutes ago. Thankfully, the internet…

7 years ago

8 Reasons To Set The Boxed Hair Dye Down And Head To A Salon

As someone who has died their hair every color of the rainbow (everyone had a scene phase in the mid-2000s,…

7 years ago

15 Ways To Wear Natural Hair And Look Amazing

The thought of wearing your hair natural may make some of you cringe, but once you get used to it,…

7 years ago

The Best Shampoo and Conditioner For Natural Hair

Does your shampoo and conditioner give you a flaky scalp, or dry out your ends? Does it not hydrate your…

8 years ago

5 Best Shampoo And Conditioner Combinations For Natural Hair

Experienced college students definitely know that spring semester is an extremely busy part of the school year. This means you're probably…

8 years ago

5 Ways To Prevent Frizz When Air Drying Your Hair

As a girl who tries to stray from using heat on my hair, I've compiled a number of ways to…

8 years ago