grew up as a dancer

Remembering Dance Moms: Where are The Girls Now?

Remembering Dance Moms: Where are The Girls Now?

Dance Moms may have just recently ended, but the cast had changed very much since the show started back in…

6 years ago

How Being A Dancer Helped Me Later In Life That I Realize Now

Dance has and always be a huge part of my life. From hula to hip hop, these classes helped me…

7 years ago

12 Things You Would Only Know From Growing Up As A Dancer

As if spending late nights in the studio and traveling on the weekends wasn't enough, being a dancer is simply…

7 years ago

10 Signs You Grew Up As A Dancer

Remember when you were a toddler and your instructor handed you your first tutu and you cried a little bit…

7 years ago