greek life

Why Sorority Recruitment Was Stressful For Me

Why Sorority Recruitment Was Stressful For Me

Sorority recruitment? The phrase itself sends shivers down my spine. I have a love-hate relationship with it. As a member of…

2 years ago

“Do Good” with Delta Gamma Alpha at SMU

Sorority Spotlight : Delta Gamma at SMU   What's the story of your sorority and your chapter?  In 1916 a…

2 years ago

Feature your sorority on SOCIETY19!

If there's one thing about being involved in Greek Life, is that it opens you and your sorority sisters up…

2 years ago

5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Rush Week

Are you looking for a sense of community this year at your college or university? Look no further because Greek…

3 years ago

10 Things Greek Life Needs To Improve On

When people think of stereotypes that describe Greek Life that most likely think of white, tall, skinny men and women…

4 years ago

The Most Adorable Sorority Paddles You Should Make For Your Big

One of the greatest parts of joining a sorority is getting the opportunity to have a "Big Sister!" There's a…

4 years ago

10 Things to Know if You’re Rushing a Sorority from a Sorority Girl

Rushing a sorority can be like culture shock to a freshman coming to campus for the first time. There is…

4 years ago

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re In A Sorority

When I first began college I was extremely against joining a sorority and Greek life in general. I thought every…

4 years ago

Great Ways to Find Your Place in College (That Don’t Involve Rushing)

The first semester at college is the hardest. Scratch that: the first weekend is the hardest. There’s so much going…

4 years ago

You Don’t Have To Be A Girly Girl To Be In A Sorority

The media portrays Greek Life as Sorority girly girls and Fraternity macho men. But, those are stereotypical and not an…

4 years ago