As a member of a sorority, you will experience things that are no non-sorority friend could ever fully understand. While…
The countdown for your sorority winter formal begins. Do you know what you are going to wear? Below we give you…
Two years ago I made the best decision of my life when I chose to join a sisterhood and became…
High school graduation can mean a lot of different things to someone, depending on their experience and what they have…
The pressure is on to ask your date to formal in a cool way each year. If you're stumped on…
Sorority recruitment can be a scary thing if you’re not sure what to expect. Trust me, nothing bad is going…
If your school is small like mine, its sororities may not be as big as you see in movies, at…
There are so many different misconceptions of Greek culture. Whether influenced by the media, your peers or your sorority/fraternity itself, Greek Life…
Joining Greek Life is a unique experience in college, both for you and for your family (if they aren't familiar…
Starting a new life at a university can be exciting, terrifying, or (most likely) a nausea-inducing mixture of both. You…