A lot can be said of the last month of the semester while in school. But what exactly happens? We're…
Keep reading for 15 struggles of college students... according to kids! 1. Having to contain your excitement when your school is…
Keep reading for 10 signs you go to Sinclair Community College! 1. You have to drive either 30 minutes or…
Formal season is in full swing on college campuses across the nation, which means girls everywhere are on the hunt…
Motherhood is a secret society and there are just things only mothers understand. We are bonded through experiences. Fellow moms, I…
If you watch 'Pretty Little Liars,' you've probably had a few "that sounds familiar" moments throughout the show...especially if you're…
1. Constantly having your own friends walk right past you. And it isn't until they stop and stare at your face that they…
Mark your calendars. Fall 2016 class registration is fast approaching and you do NOT want to be unprepared. It is…
1. You are always cold. You need a room to be 70 degrees...and you still need a blanket, sweatshirt and…
1. Starting every project thinking, "this time will be different." 2. Then noticing Netflix minimized in the bottom corner of your…