
5 Ways To Tell You’re Dealing With A ‘Real One’

5 Ways To Tell You’re Dealing With A ‘Real One’

Too often in life, we are surrounded by people who are the definition of fake. They are fake in showing…

7 years ago

Friend Group Roles: The Reason Every Story (And Friend Group) Needs A Fool

Shakespeare knew what he was doing when he wrote his fools. From Feste in Twelfth Night to the Porter in…

7 years ago

The Signs Of A Fake Friend To Look Out For

Sometimes you wonder about friends that are true, and those that are fake. As a friend, you'd like to believe that…

7 years ago

How To Know When It’s Time To End A Friendship

Most of us like to think we know what a true friend is, and most of us may think it…

7 years ago

A Letter For My Friends Before College

A Letter For My Friends: To my people - you know who you are: I can't believe the time is…

8 years ago

An Open Letter To My High School BFF

To my high school BFF - You know who you are. Who else was there for the coffee runs before…

8 years ago

10 Signs Your Friends Are Fake AF

You will meet all different kinds of people throughout your life especially in college. You also might think every person…

8 years ago

10 Signs You Have Fake Friends

Throughout life, we're constantly making and losing friends. The way to gain lifelong friends is to spot the difference between someone who…

8 years ago

An Open Letter To The Mom Of The Friend Group

Dear Mom Friend, First of all, thank you for not screwing up like I did last night. Per usual, you…

8 years ago

What It’s Really Like To Be In A Sorority

What most people don’t know about sororities, is the exact reason I joined one. Sororities came about when women were…

8 years ago