
A Letter to My Fellow Freshmen

A Letter to My Fellow Freshmen

Dear fellow freshman, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase knowledge is power.  It’s often that the most powerful and most…

2 years ago

8 Types of People You Meet In College

Fall semester is right around the corner!  Everyone is excited to go back to campus and have the autonomy to…

2 years ago

5 Mistakes to Avoid Your Freshman Year

The end of summer is already nearing! No matter how you've spent your summer, we all know that the first day…

2 years ago

How I Got Through My Transition Into College

The transition from high school to college is one of those things you either think about and get really, super…

2 years ago

Why You Should Be Excited To Go Back To School

Well, it’s that time of the year again. School will be right around the corner soon. Yes, the fact that…

2 years ago

10 Thoughts Of Every Incoming College Freshman

As an incoming college freshman, your new adventure can feel scary at first. You leave your home, friends and family and…

2 years ago

Tips for Finding your First College Roommate

One of the best parts of the whole “college experience” is moving out of your parents’ house and into a…

2 years ago

Pros and Cons Of Going To A Small College

  When first looking for a college, I immediately thought of huge classrooms full of 300 students and walking around…

2 years ago

What Every College Freshman Really Needs to Know

High school seniors know the drill: go to class, don't forget to study, and try to get along with your…

2 years ago

How To Make The Most of Your Freshman Year of College in Quarantine

Here are three things that are already difficult: starting college, quarantine, freshman year. Freshman year of college is already hard…

4 years ago