Going through college is a learning experience for everyone. No matter how well-prepared you are, you will always make mistakes.…
I was the type of person who flew into college just wanting to escape high school, knowing that there were bigger…
Surviving college is a hard enough; when you add in surviving college as an introvert, the struggle only intensifies. But being…
1. Clean out your fridge. If you’re like me, you will end up keeping a stock of food in your…
For some people, going to college right after high school graduation does not sound ideal, and that is perfectly okay!…
1. If you get caught drinking in the dorms by your RA… While this depends on how strict your RA is (some will "look…
1. No one likes a slacker. Even if you don’t end up going to college, you still have to start working,…
Going into freshman year, I’m sure you’ve heard loads upon loads of advice concerning what to expect. You’ve been told…
As you leave the confines of your parents' house to begin your new freshman college bound life, you've probably got a…
Visiting a college is extremely important when deciding where you want to attend for your college career. But if you…