Florida State University Students

Ranking Of The Worst Places To Eat At Florida State University

Ranking Of The Worst Places To Eat At Florida State University

FSU has a ton of great restaurants to eat at, but with every good restaurant, there is always a bad…

2 months ago

10 Things We All Feel About the Florida State University Transportation Services

Ask any student at Florida State University and they will all say they love it here. However, if you ask…

7 years ago

10 Reasons Why Florida State University Is The Best College To Attend

When deciding what college to go to, there are a lot of factors that come into play. Such as how…

7 years ago

10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At FSU

FSU is known for a lot of things. We've got a winning football team, a party school reputation, and we're frequently…

8 years ago

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At FSU

Some girls grow up their whole lives knowing they want to rush a sorority. For others, it’s an unknown territory.…

8 years ago

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At Florida State University

Freshman orientation at any college is a confusing time.  You’re arriving at your campus for what is most likely your…

8 years ago

50 Life Saving Tips For Freshman At Florida State University

Starting college can be quite intimidating, but not as much when you know what to expect. Here are tips for…

8 years ago

The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms at Florida State University

Living in a dorm is like a rite of passage for most college freshmen- it’s part of the college experience.…

8 years ago