Paying for college is the furthest thing from fun. It's unfathomable how expensive college is and all of the steps to…
Congrats - you did it! You got into your dream school! But.... now you have to actually pay for it.…
Yay, you got into college! Now what? Well, first you want to find to find everything you need to do…
If you've gone through the dreadful, tear-jerking, soul scorching experience that is applying for financial aid - these 19 images will…
The moment is finally here. You're holding your acceptance letter, giddy and excited, possibly jumping up and down. You have…
College is expensive. Like crazy expensive. Like, why is it so expensive and why does it vary in price across…
With financial aid offers to start to come through, it's so important to know what they actually mean in order…
Student finance is the best way to make it through college. In order to insure that your tuition and expenses…
Applying to college was beyond tough. Just when you put all of the late-night essay writing and SATs cramming behind…
If you’re feeling stressed about how exactly you’re going to pay for school, you aren’t alone. The financial aid process…