Whenever your university's fall break is, one should be able to enjoy the three to four days off from school…
As fall sets in and the leaves begin to change color, your school may let you off for a small…
Whether your break is during Thanksgiving or some other time in the fall, you know it couldn't have come too…
Fall foliage is such a breathtaking sight to see. The trees seem as though they've been painted by artists, and…
While in school, students often look forward to any breaks they can get. After summer, the first real-time off we…
We may be enjoying our summer right now, but before you know it, we'll be back to the monotony of…
Here's the thing: You've been stuck inside studying and preparing for midterms while a whole season of fun has been…
If you're anything like me, you love thinking about how to pack for your next adventure. I actually get very…
Fall break is the first pause in the semester, and in most cases, it's a well-needed break. The first few…