
10 Tips to Prepare for a Tornado at KSU

10 Tips to Prepare for a Tornado at KSU

Whether you call it a twister, gale, or cyclone, it’s important to know what to do during a tornado alert.…

7 months ago

Safety Tips for On and Off Campus

As a freshman, I wasn’t too into partying—unless my friends convinced me to come along—but I loved going to the…

1 year ago

10 Emergency Essentials

Emergency preparedness is highly important. The items you'll need may vary depending on the situation, however, there are some basics…

3 years ago

Emergency School Kit For Any Girl

Being a girl is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but it's undeniable that it comes with a few challenges and…

5 years ago

Emergency Fund: What It Is And Why It Matters

Picture this: you’re standing in line at the dollar store holding a bag of ramen noodles (literally two dollars, at…

5 years ago

10 Wedding Fashion Must-Haves That Will Keep You Stylish And Comfortable This Wedding Season

We work hard for wedding fashion, whether we are just another guest or one of the bridesmaids. We spend days and…

6 years ago

I Had Sepsis And Lived To Tell The Tale

As a young, healthy person, no one ever expects to suddenly come down with a life-threatening illness. In October, I…

6 years ago