When you get to college, one of the biggest changes you’ll encounter is the food situation. You’re now entirely responsible…
It seems that one of every prospective student’s worries about college is...food choices. I mean, you can’t move and go…
Sure you’ve got limitless dining options during the day, but when the hunger hits late at night and nothing is…
Besides studying and hanging out with friends, eating is a huge part of our day at school. We need the fuel to…
Let’s be honest... Living in a dorm for two or more years can seriously wreak havoc on your body. Dining hall food…
For all of the sandwich lovers out there – this one’s for you. Untamed Sandwiches was created when grass-fed meat lover…
Being in college ain’t easy – let me be the first to say this. We live for our relaxing weekends…
1. Snoozefests Hitting snooze on your alarm 5 times before you realize you’re going to be late for class. imgur.com 2.…
No matter how busy you get with school, health should come first. Below we give you 10 basic beauty tips…
Being vegetarian and vegan in college can be intimidating, especially when it seems like everyone around you eats meat. Though…