
5 Backpacks That Will Change Your Student Life This School Year

5 Backpacks That Will Change Your Student Life This School Year

Backpacks are something that you're going to live with throughout your entire student career, so you might as well have…

6 years ago

Roommate 101: Establishing Ground Rules With A New Roommate

Imagine having to spend an entire year living with the very next person you walk past on your school’s campus.…

6 years ago

The 8 Types Of Bars Every College Town Has

As different as every college town might be there always seems to be these eight types of bars at whatever…

6 years ago

10 Mistakes To REALLY Avoid On College Move In Day

When we say "college move in day", we usually mean moving into the dorms; and, while dorms are way less…

6 years ago

Common Freshman Mistakes To Avoid In College In Order To Have A Successful First Year

Freshman year of college is a huge transitional period of time for many people. It is a drastic change from…

6 years ago

Top 5 Ways To Get In Shape For College

Get ready, the next four years of college are going to be a stressful nightmare. Papers, midterms, group projects, and…

6 years ago

7 Ways To Look Great While Staying Organized In College

College is filled with new challenges you have to face every single day. With tests, assignments and projects to finish,…

6 years ago

Everything You Need To Know Before You Start College

It has been said numerous times, but high school doesn't prepare you for the life of a college student. College…

6 years ago

Dorm Room Workouts That Actually Work

Doing dorm room workouts is, on it's face, nearly impossible. You don't get a lot of space and, if you…

6 years ago

15 Bullet Journal Spreads Every Student Should Try

Staying organized as a student can be tricky. Bullet journaling has become really popular, and for a good reason. It's…

6 years ago