The one essential for every college kid is having a Netflix account. It's a complete guilty pleasure that everyone will…
Professors in college don't directly tell you what the homework assignments are all the time. Even the syllabus they provide…
It's hard to start a conversation with your roommate, especially if you don't know them that well yet. I was…
So there's a guy in one of your classes that's cute, charming, and not terrible to be around? And while…
It can be said that life is all about perspective. Seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty,…
College can be a lot of fun, but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of toxic social norms popping up…
You can't know all the things to consider when choosing a major in college before you do it, but luckily…
Money is a hot commodity especially when you are a student! The fees and living senses add up when you…
Back to school is rolling around the corner, but that does not mean you need to panic! There is something…
Writing is very difficult to do, especially when there is so much going on around you. It can be difficult…