
10 Awesome College Courses That Actually Exist

10 Awesome College Courses That Actually Exist

College is the time for us to explore our interests and see what we want to do with the rest…

2 years ago

What To Do If Your School Isn’t For You

We all know that right before mid-terms everyone on your floor started questioning whether or not their school was the…

2 years ago

10 Places Where You Can Actually Study!

Sometimes it can be really hard to study or get your work done because of the many distractions that are constantly…

2 years ago

27 Things All Sorority Girls Are Sick of Hearing

1. You paid for your friends. Actually, our chapter dues are so that we can throw events and support our…

2 years ago

How to Cope If You Bombed Your Finals

With finals just around the corner and cramming underway, if you're anything like me, you’re already thinking about what you…

2 years ago

10 Signs You’re a Psychology Major

Before I started college, I had heard about college students who had changed their major several times before settling on…

2 years ago

Getting Rejected from My Dream School: A Personal Story

It was March 31st, the day that my potential college's decisions were to be released. I sat frozen in front of my…

2 years ago

Apply to Become a Campus Blogger!

SOCIETY19 is seeking motivated and creative students to join our marketing team and increase our reach to colleges across the…

2 years ago

10 Ways to De-stress During Finals Week

Caffeine, caffeine, and more caffeine, will be the staple beverage for college students in these few weeks leading up to…

2 years ago

8 Signs You Were an IB Student

Once upon time, before some students entered the world of university, they had to suffer the horrors of IB. What…

2 years ago