
What To Wear During Sorority Recruitment

What To Wear During Sorority Recruitment

If anyone tells you that sororities won't judge you based on your appearance...that is unfortunately not true. There will be…

7 years ago

15 Ways To Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home

Moving to college after staying home all your life can be a scary thing to undertake. All of a sudden…

7 years ago

10 Reasons To Be Happy That You’re Single In College

It is a common sight on college campuses across the country. Two people are walking hand-in-hand or arm-and-arm across campus,…

7 years ago

20 Things Every Student Misses About Temple After Graduation

Temple is a very special place for so many people. It is a place students call home during their time…

7 years ago

16 Dorm Room Hacks That Will Make Life So Much Easier

Dorm rooms are small and cramped between your roommate's stuff and your own clutter. There are tons of tips and…

7 years ago

Here’s The Honest Reality Of College Life At UF

As my freshman year comes to an end, I have a plethora of stories I could share, both good and…

7 years ago

20 Items Every Guy Needs For His Dorm

As a simple Google search will prove, there is far more dorm room inspiration out there for the glam girl…

7 years ago

Top 10 Places To Shop For Dorm Decor

Shopping for dorm decor is essential if you want to make your college room feel like a home-away-from-home. But browsing…

7 years ago

21 Dorm Bedding Ideas By Color

It's finally that time of year again to focus on the most exciting part of prepping for college-dorm room shopping!…

7 years ago

You Probably Had No Idea These Celebrities Graduated From Temple

The phrase “You could’ve gone anywhere, but you chose Temple” is not as widely used as it once was, but…

7 years ago