
10 Thank You’s To My First Best Friend In College

10 Thank You’s To My First Best Friend In College

We all have that one first real best friend in college; that one friend who makes our first year at…

7 years ago

10 Things I Wish I Knew The Summer Before Freshman Year Of College

The summer before freshman year of college was a blur. After the initial excitement of my graduation party ended, the…

7 years ago

6 Ways To Make Your Dorm Room Decorating Ideas Feel Like Home

It can be difficult transitioning from living at home to living at college. You’re more likely than not to feel…

7 years ago

10 Reasons Why Going To College In NYC Is Actually Amazing

College is often referred to as the “best 4 years of your life” and going to a school in New…

7 years ago

How To Makeover Your Dorm Room On A Budget

Admittedly, one of the hardest parts of coming to college was leaving behind my bedroom from home. I knew I’d…

7 years ago

What They Don’t Tell You About Your First Semester Of College

The night before I moved into college for my freshman year, I slept for two hours. I tossed and turned…

7 years ago

6 Best Cities To Travel To Over The Summer

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Salut! Hallo! Ni Hao! Shalom! Ola! Hej! Czesc! Thinking of taking a vacation before the hectic…

7 years ago

10 Tips For What Not To Bring To College This Year

College is always extremely exciting, with a new place to live in and having a new environment to embrace! The…

7 years ago

Pick Your Passion – New Past Times To Pick Up For The Summer

During the summertime, we often find time to be of an endless supply. During the first week of summer, this…

7 years ago

11 Storage Hacks For A Tiny Dorm Room

Believe it or not - spending hours in an unconditioned stairwell lugging box after box up to your dorm room…

7 years ago