
12 Best College Spring Break Destinations

12 Best College Spring Break Destinations

Spring break is a right of passage for every college student. It can be a week of nonstop partying on…

6 years ago

How To Deal With Group Projects When They’re Not Your Thing

I really, really hate group projects. And based on the groans I hear in my classes when they are announced,…

6 years ago

10 Things You Have To Do Before You Graduate From Indiana University

Your time at Indiana University will go by in a flash if you aren't careful.  There is so many things…

6 years ago

10 Alternative Spring Break Options To Try When You’re Broke AF

When your broke and can't afford the Bahamas, think about choosing an alternative spring break. It might not be glamorize,…

6 years ago

A Random Roommate Success Story, Because They Do Happen

We have all heard the horror stories of what having a random roommate is like. For many, that may be…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Destress During Finals Week/The Weeks Before Finals Week

Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation from all the work you need to finish during finals week?…

6 years ago

10 Spring Break Trip Ideas That Aren’t All About The Party

Spring break is a time to have fun and take a much-needed break from your studies. Most spring break trip…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Practice Zero Waste In College

Practicing zero waste is a great way to help the planet. The whole point of zero waste is to reduce…

6 years ago

12 Roommate Struggles All College Students Can Understand

College is a very exciting time for everyone. You're leaving home for the first time, you get to make new…

6 years ago

The 8 Types Of Boys/Girls You’ll Meet At Pace University

Let’s be real: going to school in New York City means that you’re going to meet a lot of different…

6 years ago