college tips

The Ultimate Freshman Guide To Financial Aid

The Ultimate Freshman Guide To Financial Aid

The process of applying for and paying off college financial aid is absolutely deplorable for everyone. There's just no other…

7 years ago

12 Tips For Staying Safe At College Parties

College parties can be a lot of fun; you hang out with your friends, dance a little (or a lot),…

7 years ago

The Truth About Loneliness In College

If you aren't in college yet, I know what you're thinking- it's a time to party, have fun, and embrace…

7 years ago

50 Insanely Useful Websites College Students Need To Know

Whether you want to admit or not - college students need help - in more ways than one. No reason…

8 years ago

17 Perfectly Normal Worries Of A Rising College Freshman

The summer before one's first semester of college is a whirlwind of emotions for most people. There is so much to…

8 years ago

PSA: No One Actually Has Their Shit Together In College

Growing up and seeing college on TV shows and movies made us more psyched to begin the college journey. The…

8 years ago

20 Thoughts Everyone Has While Packing For College

Whether you’re off to a school 1000 miles from home or one half an hour away, one thing is for sure when…

8 years ago

10 Things You MUST Do While In College

College may sound stressful, exciting, overwhelming, amazing and scary all at once. But that will be over after a few…

8 years ago

14 Things Everyone Should Do Before They Pick A College Major

For any high school graduate the most dreaded question is now being asked; what are you studying in college?  For…

8 years ago

10 Things To Remember When You Go Off To College

As we transition from what are said to be the best four years, and the worst four years, of our…

8 years ago