Going off to college may seem like a no brainer after graduating high school, but here are 15 reasons you shouldn't…
The day I turned 16 was a special one- not for the stereotypical "Sweet 16" nonsense, but for the fact…
Okay guys and girls, let’s break this down. We're in college, and most of us are in dorms. Unless you’re somewhere…
Off-campus housing can be a serious challenge. As someone who has been looking for months, I really feel your pain.…
Attending your first college party (as a college student) is probably one of life's biggest milestones. High school parties are…
It's now that time in your life where you're either getting ready to pack up your stuff and head to…
Going from high school to college is a big change. In order to make the transition a little bit easier, I've rounded…
Freshman year can be a stressful and scary time. I've already given you some tips on how to survive the…
Here are 10 things you've thankfully (and hopefully) already learned because these are 10 things you're definitely going to need…
If you're a college athlete you can definitely relate to these 20 things! 1. You’re ALWAYS hungry. 2. You’re ALWAYS…