College Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Southern New Hampshire University

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Southern New Hampshire University

There are just some things in life that only people who have attended Southern New Hampshire University will understand. My…

6 years ago

College Library Etiquette You Need To Know

Sometimes when you're in a college library it begins to seem like people around you have never been in a…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Michigan State University

Attending Michigan State University not only gives students the chance to start a successful educational career, but it also to…

6 years ago

Its Okay To Feel Homesick And Here’s Why

It’s the first time you’re living away from home. You’re in a new place that you’ve been imagining about for…

6 years ago

15 Most Bizarre Things About New York City No One Understands

Since I moved to Manhattan about two months ago to start college at NYU, I’ve been busy adjusting and getting…

6 years ago

10 Songs That Will Bring You Back To Summer

With the weather cooling down and days getting shorter, there’s no doubt that autumn is on the way, bringing with…

6 years ago

10 Misconceptions I Had About Veganism Before Going Vegan

I’ve been vegan for just over three and a half years now and although I’m entirely convinced that I’m doing…

6 years ago

7 Types Of College Professors You Will Definitely Have At UF

The enormous size of the University of Florida means that there are a plethora of classes and professors you will…

6 years ago

10 Best Tech Gadgets Every College Student Should Have

College is meant to be a time where a student is supposed to survive on his own. That student needs…

6 years ago

10 Differences Between High School BFFs And College BFFs

It's your freshmen year and you think that your best friend in college will be the same as your best…

6 years ago