catholic school

20 Signs You Went To Seton Catholic Central High School

20 Signs You Went To Seton Catholic Central High School

As someone who was raised in the Catholic School system, I've never been exposed to public school lifestyle. I went through…

8 years ago

20 Signs You Definitely Went To A Catholic High School

High school is unique for everyone, but some things remain the same, like plaid uniforms. Here are 20 signs you…

8 years ago

20 Signs You Went To Catholic High School

If you survived Catholic high school, I first like to congratulate you.  From personal experience, Catholic school was definitely different…

8 years ago

10 Things You Only Understand If You Went To A Private High School

Going from a public elementary school to a private middle and high school can really switch things up. After attending…

8 years ago

20 Signs You Went To A Catholic School Your Entire Life

Everyone who has attended Catholic school their entire life knows the struggle. Whenever someone asks you where you go or…

8 years ago