
How to Work Out Without Leaving Your Dorm at SJU

How to Work Out Without Leaving Your Dorm at SJU

College is extremely overwhelming not only mentally, but also physically. We look at ourselves in the mirror and slowly see…

12 months ago

10 Cardio Exercises For People Who Hate Running

While essential to any workout, cardio exercises can often be the most grueling and dreaded part, especially when it comes…

5 years ago

10 Fun Ways To Improve Your Cardio

Let’s face it, cardio workouts are not the most enjoyable exercises to do. Many people dread doing cardio when they…

5 years ago

Cardio Workout Ideas You Can Easily Do At Home

With crazy schedules, work, homework or families working out tends to be on the last spot in our priority list.…

5 years ago

10 Simple Cardio Workouts For Beginners

Cardio workouts are great if you are looking to burn fat or calories in order to lose weight. What's even…

6 years ago

5 Best Cardio Exercises To Do In The Fall

When people typically exercise outdoors, they think of running and jogging everywhere they go. Did you know there are creative…

6 years ago

5 Ways To Start Loving Cardio

We've all been there, sort of want to start running, sort of want to stay in bed. Well, I have…

6 years ago

5 Cardio Workouts That Aren’t Running

Welcome to the year 2019, where fitness matters more now than it ever has before. It doesn’t matter what weight…

6 years ago

10 Exercises For The Girl That Hates Exercising

We all know the physical and mental benefits of daily exercise - increased endorphins, stronger muscles, reduced stress, and heightened…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Reinvent Your Workout Routine

If there's one thing that is essential to staying healthy it's consistency. When your workout routine becomes too monotonous it…

6 years ago