
10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Cal Poly

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Cal Poly

Whether you’re a first-year or a fourth-year student at Cal Poly, we have all become familiar with the characteristics that…

8 years ago

20 Mistakes Every Michigan State Freshman Makes

Trust me the list below exists mostly because I made every one of these mistakes or one of my friends…

8 years ago

What I Wish I Could Have Told Myself As An Upcoming Freshman (And As A Sophomore…And As A Junior)

I am certain Charles Dickens was unintentionally referring to college when he wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, "It…

8 years ago

10 Film Scores To Listen To While Studying

I don’t know about you but I absolutely cannot work in silence. When I am studying, I of course listen…

8 years ago

15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near The University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Need some enjoyable date ideas? Are you low on funds because that's the life of a college student? Well, here…

8 years ago

15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Penn State University

Are you and your beau always searching for fun, new date ideas? Then look no further! If you are lucky…

8 years ago

15 Signs You’re A Fashion Student At Kent State

The clock strikes 11:50 AM and you see a herd of girls, HUNDREDS of them, burst through the doors. It’s…

8 years ago

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Cal Poly SLO Tomorrow

A picture is worth a thousand words. Isn’t that the saying? In Cal Poly’s case, the photographs translate to undeniable…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University of Nevada

Choosing a college is a big deal! Here are five reasons why I chose to go to the University of Nevada.…

8 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around Virginia Tech

As college students we don't really have the funds to do a lot of things. Luckily there are a number…

8 years ago