Deciding on where to go to college can be a difficult decision for many people. But with the difficulty of…
While I must admit that becoming a buckeye was only my dream starting my Senior year of high school, I…
Deciding what to do after high school can be a stressful decision for everyone. With the thousands of colleges, gap…
The cap has been thrown, high school has been left behind. Now is the time for the high school class…
A summer with no school work or obligations? Sounds like a dream! That's how the summer after high school is.…
With more than a dozen colleges in or by Washington D.C., it's impossible to list just one or two defining…
As a college student, we all have stereotypes that we see, make fun of, and are most likely a part…
The University of California, Irvine is not just a place where students go to get a degree. No, it's so…
The University of Oregon is known for our football team and the number of Californian students we attract (UC Eugene), but…
Finally, no more taking dirty, over-prices taxis in Syracuse now that Uber has finally arrived! With all the famous celebrities,…