
10 Free Things To Do Around FSU

10 Free Things To Do Around FSU

Are you a FSU student and looking for some not lame things to do around campus that are free? Then…

8 years ago

12 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To SUNY Oswego

SUNY Oswego is a truly lovely place, but as everyone knows, even a lovely place has its downfalls and lessons.…

8 years ago

12 Things You Need To Do At PittStart

PittStart is a key component to a smooth transition into the University of Pittsburgh. Mandatory for all new students, the…

8 years ago

You Know You Go To ASU When…

Here are a few undeniable things we all experience as ASU students. There is no way you can deny number…

8 years ago

10 Things To Know Before West Chester Orientation

West Chester is such a vibrant place, so active and alive. In just a few short weeks it will be…

8 years ago

5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At UMN

Hey, all you golden gophers! Now I know there is still over a month before college starts but here are the…

8 years ago

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Florida State University

Florida State University has a multitude of students, with current enrollment being right around 41,000. With that being said, obviously…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Indiana University

Indiana University is hands down the best college in America. The woodsy atmosphere, immense amount of school spirit, and awesome…

8 years ago

10 Places To Cry When You Just Can’t Anymore At UMichigan

As the Leaders and the Best, all UMichigan students have felt, and will feel, a moment when they just can't anymore.…

8 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around UC Santa Barbara

Hey, Gauchos! Whether you’re an incoming student or a continuing student, we can all agree that college is expensive and we…

8 years ago