Cal Poly SLO – Around Campus

10 Ways You Can Tell A Cal Poly SLO Student Grew Up In The Bay

10 Ways You Can Tell A Cal Poly SLO Student Grew Up In The Bay

We all know that if you talk to any student on campus, chances are they’re either from the Bay or…

7 years ago

The 10 Best Places To Cry When You’re Stressed At Cal Poly SLO

College students deal with A LOT of stress. You’re on your own for the first time and you have to balance…

7 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around Cal Poly SLO

Being a student in college usually means that you don't have tons of money to explore and try new things.…

7 years ago

15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Cal Poly SLO

As college students, we often find it difficult to think of date ideas that are entertaining, memorable and affordable. One…

7 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around Cal Poly SLO

College is a time for new experiences and adventures, but it is also a time where your bank account probably…

7 years ago

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Cal Poly

Whether you’re a first-year or a fourth-year student at Cal Poly, we have all become familiar with the characteristics that…

7 years ago

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Cal Poly SLO Tomorrow

A picture is worth a thousand words. Isn’t that the saying? In Cal Poly’s case, the photographs translate to undeniable…

7 years ago

20 Mistakes Every Cal Poly SLO Freshman Makes

Everybody always says, “College is the best four years of your life.” And while that very well may be true,…

7 years ago

15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Cal Poly SLO

As a student in the quaint and cute small town of San Luis Obispo, I know first hand that there…

7 years ago

10 Free Things To Do In Boston

Ahhhhh, free stuff, the great equalizer among college students. What could be even better than free paraphernalia? Free sights and…

8 years ago