Baylor Students

10 Free Things To Do Around Baylor University

10 Free Things To Do Around Baylor University

Waco at first seems like a dry town that has nothing going on, but the longer you live here, the…

3 weeks ago

10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At Baylor University

It's ok and totally normal to have a mental breakdown in the beginning, middle or end of the school year.…

4 weeks ago

30 Amazing Baylor University Dorm Rooms

Moving into a dorm is a pretty stressful time. It’s your first time living without your parents and you are…

4 weeks ago

The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms At Baylor University

After deciding on what college to attend the next hardest decision is probably “where do I want to live?” (give…

1 month ago

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Baylor University

As a second-semester freshman at Baylor, I've experienced all the typical freshman events, worries, and some surprises. There were SO many aspects of…

1 month ago

20 Mistakes Every Baylor University Freshman Makes

Freshman year can be summed up in a string of "Oh, shits," late nights, and too much Chemistry, but every…

1 month ago

The Typical Day Of A Baylor University Student

Yes, college is a great time and all, but after the novelty of it wears off, you start to get…

8 years ago

10 Things Every Baylor University Student Asks Themselves

Do you really go to Baylor if you don't throw up a Sic 'Em at a random time, or ask…

8 years ago

The Typical Day of a Student at Baylor University

Being a Bear requires a perfect balance between school and other things. Here’s what a typical day as a student…

8 years ago

What To Do Around Baylor University When You’re Broke AF

As a college student being broke is part of our daily lives. However, there's lots to do  that doesn't involve…

8 years ago