
10 Reasons Why NOT Going To College Is OK

In a society such as today’s, receiving a college education is basically planted into a child’s mind since day 1.…

9 months ago
Here’s What Living Alone Feels Like In Gifs

Here’s What Living Alone Feels Like In Gifs

Living alone for the first time is a frightening thing. You've finally entered the realm of adulthood, and you're suddenly…

5 years ago

Why Graduation Really Is Worth All The Hype

Once in a blue moon do we ever get the opportunity to celebrate ourselves and have others recognize our achieve.…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Adulthood

Let’s face it! Being an adult can be hard. Most of us don’t know what is happening half the time…

6 years ago

20 Signs You’re A Kid At Heart

When you were a kid, you couldn't wait to grow up. You wanted to have all the neat jobs and cool…

8 years ago

How To Know If You Should Pursue A Graduate Degree

It’s 3am, you’re lying in bed wide awake and letting your mind roam. It doesn’t take too long before you…

8 years ago