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Sustainable Fashion: How To Become A Conscious Shopper With This Step-By-Step Guide

Sustainable Fashion: How To Become A Conscious Shopper With This Step-By-Step Guide

Sustainable Fashion: How To Become A Conscious Shopper With This Step-By-Step Guide

Fast Fashion is slowly becoming the norm in today’s Fashion Industry, with huge companies mass-producing low-quality cheap clothing whilst operating unethically and damaging the environment. But there are ways in which we can avoid supporting these practices without compromising on Fashion. This 5-step guide on Hoe to shop most consciously is great for anyone who wants to stop more sustainably, but hasn’t got a clue on where to start (like many of us)

1. Material Quality

The first thing you should be looking at, to determine the authenticity of the garments ricing, is the material of the garment. Try to pick clothes that have a high content of natural materials, such as wool cotton, linen, silk, cashmere – as not only will these materials feel nicer to wear, they will last longer and they aren’t manmade (thus reducing environmental impact in large production factories) Naturally occurring materials do tend to cost a little extra, and so you have make sure you’re buying something that is well made and that you’d get your money’s worth out of.

2. Versatility

Try to pick clothes that are versatile, and that can be worn for any occasion – things can be dressed up, dressed down, or completely transformed with a few varying accessories. For example, the perfect leather jacket can be worn casually on top of a hoodie, jeans and sneakers for a laid back outfit, or dressed up over a short cocktail dress with some heeled sandals for a night out. This way, you’ll reduce the number of items you’re buying, and using what you’ve already got.


3. Avoid “Trends”

Trends come and go…they may be ‘in’ one month, the next month they’re old news. Try to avoid buying ‘trend’ items, as this will eventually be money down the drain when the next ‘trend’ overtakes the current trend. Pick classic items that have around for decades and that are still stylish and relevant. For example, the perfect pair of straight-leg jeans, the classic Leather Jacket, the white blouse, the trench coat – these are styles that are fashionable, that have always been fashionable, and that will continue to be fashionable in the future. Investing your money in classic pieces reduces the amount you spend on ‘trend’ pieces, and reduces the large-scale factory production of these ‘trend’ items.

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4. Thrift/Consignment Stores

Buying re-used is a great way if both saving money and reducing the impact of fast fashion – as you are essentially recycling old unwanted clothes. There are some GREAT hidden treasures to be found in thrift stores, you just have to have to patience to look through each item. Rack by rack. If you don’t have the item for thrifting (it really is an all-day event), you can also got to a vintage consignment stores. Here, the pieces are usually better quality, properly cleaned, and hand-picked by the store owners – this does mean they tend to cost a little more than clothes from the thrift store, but they are still much cheaper than brand-new pieces, and most of the items in consignment are in such good condition, they’re pretty much new!


5. Support more sustainable brands

There are clothing brands that are aware of the Fast Fashion movement in the fashion industry, and are making a conscious effort to produce small batches of good quality clothing that is environmentally friendly and that treats its workers in an ethical way. SUPPORT THESE BRANDS BY BUYING FROM THESE BRANDS. All you have to do its Google sustainable fashion brands near me, and you’ll have a nice handful to varying brands to pick from. Try to pick brands that are local to where you live, as they are more likely to use local materials and support the community through employment opportunities etc. Sustainable Fashion brands generally tend to sell better quality garments which may cost a little more, but a totally worth it!

Remember, the goal is to buy less, and wear more. That means spending a little extra on good quality, well-made pieces that will last a lifetime.

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