City Life

15 Signs You Grew Up In Sun Prairie WI

Sun Prairie, WI is a little town turning big. However, there are still certain things that everyone went through while growing up here in the last decade. Here are the 15 signs you grew up in Sun Prairie WI!

1. You probably swam on the Pirhana’s swim team

You have tons of memories from waking up at ungodly hours of the morning to have practices or meets and jumping into the freezing water. Let’s not forget, your arm was always covered in sharpie from you writing down all the events you were swimming in.

2. The only acceptable thing to wear in middle school was Aeropostale, Hollister and American Eagle

Your whole closet consisted of these brands and anything else your mom tried to buy for you was ‘uncool’.

3. You’ve eaten way to many Culver’s kids meals (and saved up tokens to redeem a good amount of t-shirts and prizes)

Those chicken tenders are so good and don’t forget about the free scoop of ice cream you can get once your done!

4. You biked around everywhere

It was your favorite mode of transportation and you used it to go to your friend’s house, the park or to pick up some food at a nearby gas station.

5. You’ve been to several Midget races

There’s nothing like the sound of those roaring engines and playing with all the clay that flings into the stands. Also, you got to stay out past your bedtime.

6. The deep diving board pool at the aquatic center was the scariest thing, but once you were old enough and jumped off it, you felt accomplished

You were so afraid that that pool was 13 feet deep and you could end up at the bottom of it.

7. Beans n Cream was your go-to study spot

You know all the drinks, all the prices and most of the staff. You definitely have completed more than one of their drink punch cards.

8. Story time and the summer reading program at the Library was a must

Those little books where you recorded how much time you read lived right next to your bed and you would have your mom or dad sign off on it every night. The best part was taking it back to the library and collecting the prizes for it.

9. You took swim lessons at the Aquatic Center or PAC

Or both.

10. The sledding hill at Sheehan Park was one of the best parts of winter

It’s the biggest hill in Sun Prairie and you never got tired of hauling your sled or snowboard up it.

11. You spent a good amount of time in the McDonalds play place tube structure when you were little

The big pink slide was the best. Not to mention you got to make friends with a bunch of other kids. You definitely threw a tantrum when it was time to leave.

See Also

12. Cornfest

Whether you were little and spent time in the petting zoo and went on the merry-go-round or older and went on the tilt-a-whirl one too many times, Cornfest is an iconic celebration in Sunny P.

13. We all couldn’t wait to be old enough to go to dolphins cove without parental supervision

And we kept a collection of all the wristbands we would get. Or, in some cases, keep them on your wrists for weeks on end. And then there was that rite of passage when you upgraded from the solid color bands to the white ones with decorations.

14. You loved lining up on Main St and collecting candy during all the parades

You had a plastic bag and you were on a mission to fill it up.

15. You bleed Cardinal red

You went to Sun Prairie High School and you’ll remember it forever.

Do you have any other signs you grew up in Sun Prairie WI!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit

Hailey Maertz

travel enthusiast, concert addict, coffee fanatic and lover of all things Bucky Badger.

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