10 Suits For Women That Will Make You Feel Like A Girl Boss At Your Next Interview

Wearing suits for women to your next interview or just a cloudy Monday will give you that extra boost of confidence and stylish flair so you can walk down those busy hallways and through the crowded cubicle area with a pep in your step. You are a Girl Boss and your wardrobe should show the world that you mean business. Here are 10 suits for women that will make you feel and look like a Girl Boss.
1. Full White Suit
There is something kind of dangerous about wearing a full white outfit, whether you worry about every kind of food stain or your Aunt Flo visiting at an inconvenient time of the month. But you also look sensational when you wear a full white suit. There’s nothing like walking down through the halls with this pristine white suit and knowing that you look like a boss.
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2. Pink Tweed Suit
When you step into that interview, you should feel like yourself and if yourself means girly and old school glamour, you should embrace that style. This pink tweed suit is feminine and fun. You might not be able to wear this every single day but since you look so good in it, you might want to. This pink tweed suit is perfect for a girly professional; you are living proof that girls have what it takes to be in charge!
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3. Yellow Loose Suit
This yellow suit is exactly what you need to capture the attention of the room. When you step into the interview room, all eyes will be immediately drawn to your bright yellow suit. Keep their attention and wow them with your amazing personality, your awesome skillset, and your incredible intellect. There’s no way they’ll forget your name when you walk out that door.
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4. Navy Suit
Some jobs might require a more classic look. This navy suit is exactly what you need to look like the ultimate working professional without looking too serious. The navy suit is a great base for you to pair with other statement tops and shoes.
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5. Black Suit
Sometimes, you need to be the epitome of professionalism and seriousness. This is when you break out your black suit. A navy suit isn’t dark or somber enough. When you walk into that room with your pressed black suit, they will know that you mean business. You aren’t here to mess around or make friends. You are here to kick butt and take names and everyone else better watch out!
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6. Suit with Shorts
If your workplace allows you to have some fashion freedom, you might want to invest in this awesome suit with shorts. This is not only a great work outfit for those hot summer days, but you look the androgynous look of these shorts and the loose blazer. After all, why would pencil skirts be your only option for work attire during those hot months?
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7. Green Satin Suit
When you choose a suit to wear to an interview, you need to be conscious of the industry that you are applying for. If you are working for a fashion-forward industry, you will want to grab this suit. Not only are you playing with color but you are also playing with textures and fabrics. This will show your future boss that you are willing to play around and experiment with fashion and that you are a forward thinker!
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8. Velvet Suit
Like the last suit, you will want to be conscious about what industry you are heading into because not every industry will be accepting of a velvet suit. But if your industry is, this suit will definitely make an impression. You look chic, comfortable, and fashion-forward. You look like the type of person who is willing to take style risks and knows how to make any look work; you look like the type of person your boss should definitely hire!
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9. Pink Suit
If you want to show some serious girl power at your next interview, wear this suit! This suit makes you look polished and professional but doesn’t shy away from having some serious girly flair. When you walk into that room, your interviewer had better be prepared because they haven’t seen a young professional like you yet!
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10. Light Blue Suit
Navy is a great staple suit in your wardrobe but for those hot and sunny months, you might want something lighter and brighter as your staple. This light blue suit is a perfect basis for those white blouses and floral heels that you’ve been waiting all winter long to wear again! When it looks this beautiful outside, you will be so glad you aren’t wearing something dark and somber.
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