Categories: Home Decor

10 Stylish Succulents That Will Look Great In Your Home

 So you’ve got a bland room, or otherwise a well-decorated room that you just can’t shake the feeling that it’s missing something. You might think, maybe a fresh green in the corner or on the window-sill would really bring everything together, but who the hell has the time to dittle about dealing with allergenic-ass flowers or sensitive house plants? Such is exactly why succulents might be right up your alley. They’re irrifulably easy to care for, requiring only minimal water and tending. Many will require plenty of sunlight in order to thrive, but that’s more of a placement issue than anything. Moreover, they’re super stylish and perfect for adding a Santa Fe flair to any room, and some can even be used for medicinal purposes in a pinch. That said, navigating succulents can be a bit difficult – the species and subspecies of succulents are varied and numerous, so finding the right ones for you can be a bit tedious. To the end of assisting you with such an endeavor, I offer unto you for consideration 10 absolutely stylish succulents that are sure to spice up any room or arrangement you put them in!  

1. Aloe Vera

A classic but still stylish succulent that doubles as an emergency burn treatment. It comes in numerous gorgeous variations, such as the lace or sunset aloes. Make sure this plant gets plenty of light and deep but occasional watering. It’s a succulent of tall stature, and between that and the fact that it’s full of personality makes it the perfect centerpiece for any succulent arrangement, assuming that is you can get an aloe plant that’s small enough.

2. Chocolate Soldier

Also known as kalanochoe tomentosa, or my personal favorite nickname, the panda plant, its red rims, and fuzzy leaves make it one stylish succulent (and indeed make it sort of look like panda ears)! This one needs a little humidity so spritz the surrounding air with slightly warm water, without wetting the leaves.

3. String Of Pearls

Looks exactly as it sounds – strings of pearl-shaped bulbs that can grow long enough to cover entire walls! It definitely doesn’t look like the typical succulent, but I assure you it is – it thrives in dryness. Make sure the soil is well watered but also that the pot has good drainage. They’re so cute and bubbly as far as cacti go, and they’re the perfect drooping addition to the edge of any stylish succulent arrangement

4. Ivory Towers

This stylish succulent is a tower of conjoined leaves perfect for any succulent arrangement. Err on the side of dryness, as with most succulents. You can even grow more just by slicing off a leafy layer and burying it underneath a small layer of dirt.

5. Air Plant

Otherwise more epically known as tillandsia, it’s thin leaves and varied colors make this one stylish succulent indeed, not to mention unique. Don’t be fooled though: this isn’t because it doesn’t need water, but rather it requires no soil. On the contrary, it needs water exclusively – you just need to mist it thoroughly or soak it in room temp water for 5-10 minutes. Also, it fries pretty easily so keep it out of direct sunlight.

6. Jade Succulent

Another classic but still stylish succulent. Typically standalone, this bushy but smooth cacti requires full sun and constant watering with good drainage, making sure that the soil is perpetually moist but not swamped as they are still susceptible to root rot. With the right care, this succulent can even grow bushels of delicate, cute little flowers.

7. Ghost Flower

This does indeed have a ghost-like pinkish-grey color, but when it blooms it peers through the ghostly leaves with a ray of beautiful bright flowers like celestial rays. That said, the color largely depends on how much light the plant has access to – with a brighter pinker color with direct light and a cooler more blue tone with indirect light. With water, get a pot with good drainage and water when the top few inches get too dry.

See Also

8. Aeonium Kiwi

This stylish succulent produces the most color variation on its leaves when grown in the most optimal conditions. It needs a little more water than the usual succulent, and what’s more, it doesn’t do the best in extremely hot and sunny environments. That said, it’s a vibrant and beautiful succulent that’s sure to be a great addition to any part of the home!

9. Crassula Mesembryanthemoides

This plant is one fluffy bristled sub-shrub, but it definitely still belongs on our list of stylish succulents! This is yet another one that needs only a bit of water every so often when the soil gets too dry. It can sit just dandy in either full or partial sunlight, but to make it thrive you should feed it in the summer and spring months.

10. Pleospilos Nelii

These are one of my personal favorites (mostly because it looks like a butt coming out of a butt) – originating in South Africa, the “living rock” is undoubtedly a stylish succulent. Its upkeep schedule is as unique as it’s appearance: it needs a sunny or humid environment, as well as a heavy watering, but only once every 2-3 weeks, and a light watering in the summer and winter months. Simply put in this minimal amount of work and these plants will produce a magnificent flower.

Assuming you are still able to at this point during the pandemic, if you’ve got a room that’s looking a little bland, there’s no better way to add some decorum and swank that with a good succulent from the nearest nursury or supermarket! Get a big bushy one for a standalone center piece, or a number of small and medium sized succulents to plant together in an arrangement, suspended or for flat surfaces. If you have more great succulents you’d like to share, or just have general thoughts on the matter, feel free to share in the comment section below!

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Tags: plants
Alec Barry

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