24 Stylish Outfits for Every Kind of Valentine’s Day Date

Whether you have a boyfriend you’ve been dating since high school, a guy (or a couple of guys) you’ve been hooking up with on the reg, or you’re single AF – Valentine’s day is coming…like it or not. While the day may technically be reserved for all those love drunk suckers out there, there’s no reason we all can’t celebrate! From dinner plans with bae, to a friendly get-together with your besties, to bar hopping with all the single ladies…Valentine’s day can actually be fun for everyone. And to help get you ready for the day of love, I’ve put together some outfits for Valentine’s Day dates…yes, that even includes a date with Netflix.
For a fancy Valentine’s day date with the boyfriend.
So you’re one of the lucky ones (well, actually he’s probably the lucky one!). If your boyfriend has surprised you to Valentine’s day date night at that super trendy restaurant downtown – yeah, that one you’ve been DYING to go to – then this is the night make his jaw drop when he sees you. A long sleeved mini dress provides just enough warmth to brave the cold winter months, coupled with a bold peep-toe bootie and bright red lips brings an ultra chic vibe. Looking for something a little more va-va-voom? Go with the color of the season – red. What’s sexier than a deep v mini paired with a leather jacket?
Copy these looks:
For a cozy evening at home with the boyfriend.
If you and the boo have decided to spend your Valentine’s day more intimately at home – your outfit (or lack there of) should be pretty obvious. Every girl deserves a pair of lingerie that makes her feel amazing, and February 14 is the perfect excuse to finally go out and buy some! Stick to red, pink or black tones to keep with the Valentine’s day theme.
For brunch with the whole gang.
Decided to make Valentine’s Day a friends’ affair? Makes sense to me! You do LOVE your friends, after all. When it comes to outfits for Valentine’s Day dates that include a day of drinking, laughing and eating; stick to a more casual outfit. Of course, throwing in hints of pink will show your holiday spirits, while opting for a top with a witty saying or graphic always makes for good conversation. I’d recommend leggings to let your food baby grow…but a shiny accent ups the ante.
For a wild night on the town with the girls.
Single ladies unite! If you are ditching the boys for the night and hitting the town hard, don’t be afraid to show some skin! Jumpsuits are on trend this year; but choosing one with a plunging neckline will really step your sexy-game up. Sticking to Valentine’s day red doesn’t hurt either – a skintight dress with strappy accents will have all eyes on you.
For a casual sleepover with the girls.
Going out isn’t your thing? Totally fine – spend the night in with your closest girlfriends. Order food, drink some bubbly, watch movies…who needs guys anyways? Stick to comfy, yet stylish pajamas – you want to be comfortable, but I can pretty much guarantee there will be plenty of photo ops!
For a relaxing, peaceful, “Thank God I’m single” night on the couch!
If to you, the most appealing Valentine’s day date idea sounds like a night in, cuddled up on the couch with you and yourself alone…I hear ya! Best part about this kind of date – you can wear whatever, literally WHATEVER, you want.
Which one of these outfits for Valentine’s Day dates is your fave? Let us know down below!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Photos taken from missguidedus.com & Pinterest
Featured image source: beyondbasicblog.com
Ashley is the Editorial Director of SOCIETY19. She is a graduate of Marist College with a degree in Business and Marketing.