10 Student Life Hacks for Living at UNH

So there’s definitely more than 10 student life hacks for living at UNH to make your life easier on campus, but these are the ones that make life the easiest. I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t followed these hacks and then realized that it was exactly what I needed to do. I get it, college is for making mistakes, but trust me, you will realize these 10 hacks are the bomb. Keep reading for 10 student life hacks for living at UNH!
1. Don’t be the early bird at UNH concerts…
Your roommate is never late, so she is insisting on going early to the concert. Trust me, don’t do it. The line might seem long, but nothing is worst when your excitement wears off and you’re profusely sweating and only the starting performer has come on. If anything, be fifteen minutes late to the concert.
2. Make sure you have the Uber app (first ride is free) !!
This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many students have yet to download Uber because they don’t think they need it yet. Seriously. The UNH campus is large enough. Make sure you have this downloaded, if you don’t already!
The buses stop running at midnight on the weekends and then from there on it’s your responsibility to get home. Even in the morning on weekends the buses are horrid. Don’t be caught waiting a half hour for the weekend connector, just simply request an Uber!
3. Never take the Cottage Connector.
The Cottage Connector is slower than watching paint dry. If you want to take a joy ride around campus for an hour, be my guest, but you can save yourself the pain and take another source of transportation!
4. Use your coupons UNH gives you your Freshman year.
You might feel rich AF when you get to school. You just worked your butt off all summer and you have thousands in your savings, but don’t make the mistake everyone does and blow it all at once. Seriously.
Have you stopped to look through the coupon books you were given when you arrived on campus? Take a minute to read through these bad boys. Little things add up quickly and sooner than later you will end up with six dollars in your bank account. UNH gives you a big book of coupons, USE THEM. I promise you won’t regret it.
5. If you have a really bad hangover, a JB from Franz’s will fix everything. (Just be sure to call in & order it ahead of time.)
The hangover from death just woke you up and all you want to do is cry. Don’t worry Franz’s food has got you covered. The JB is magical. If you haven’t tried one, you haven’t lived.
Pro Tip: Don’t wait in line like a Rookie to order for 15 minutes and then wait another 15 for your food. Call ahead like a pro. Sometimes they will just disconnect their line altogether if it is a busy weekend morning. Try anyway!
6. Hit up Kurt’s lunchbox at 2 AM in C lot.
Kurt’s lunchbox is open late and has the best drunk food ever. Not to mention, it’s cheap! You need to stop by at least once. It’ll save you that obnoxious phone call to Dominoes.
7. Don’t think driving to class is faster than just walking.
If you didn’t know parking on campus is non-existent, now you know! Unless you leave a half hour early for your class chances are you won’t find a parking spot near class. Unless you want to be late, don’t think driving your car to class is faster than the bus!
8. Don’t try the bars at UNH with a fake. Not worth it.
Fake IDs are cool and all, but we all know it’s not cool to get it pulled let alone in front of people of actual age! Don’t try your fake at UNH bars or even at UNH convenient stores, it just doesn’t work!
9. Plan Spring break wayyyyyy ahead.
If you’re going through Student City, book your trip at least 6 months prior. The longer you wait the more expensive everything gets! Plus, you definitely want that perfect and fun location, so hop on that planning train early.
10. Get in the habit of saving all of your spare change.
I know this seems pathetic, but if you’re losing money every year through loose change, #priorities. Let’s say you get back $0.50 per day in loose change and throw it in the tip jar. That’s nearly $200 by the end of the year! Loose change adds up and trust me, you’ll need it! If you keep all your loose change in a jar, you’ll be surprised how much you have by the end of the year!
What are some other student life hacks for living at UNH? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image source: favim.com, unhwildcats.tumblr.com
Lilly is a writer for the UNH Society19 chapter. She is currently studying Communication and pursuing a Business minor.