9 Student Instagrammers You Need To Follow From The University Of Alabama

There are some amazing student Instagrammers from the University of Alabama. They post some great stuff and they are overall very interesting to follow. Below are 10 of my favorites!
1. @lindseylyle
Lindsey Lyle is one of my favorite Alabama Instagrammers because her style is something that is constantly evolving and she posts different things all the time. She is definitely one to follow at Alabama.
2. @oliviastanziale
Olivia Stanziale is someone to definitely watch. She first of all, has the most beautiful eyes and eyebrows of anyone that I have ever seen, but she also has such cool pictures and such cool style. I love stalking her Instagram and seeing what she is up to.
3. @halllllleeckhoff
I discovered this girl on my “people you may know feed” last year and have loved her Instagram ever since. She travels a lot, so her pictures have so much culture to them, which I really enjoy. She also has amazing style, so I love seeing what she is wearing.
4. @maclainefarrell
Maclaine Farrell has the most beautiful photos, not only the actual picture, but the way that she edits them make the pictures so high quality and airbrushed looking. She is also someone that I really enjoy her style and seeing what she wears.
5. @hillheady
Hilary Conheady is actually an alumni of Alabama who is currently living in New York City working for Saks Fifth Avenue. She has an amazing Instagram that consists of some of the best food posts from student Instagrammers from The University of Alabama, outfit posts and just New York posts in general. She is definitely one to follow if you want to see what life can be like after graduation.
6. @missabbeyhagan
Now Abbey Hagan happens to be me, but missabbeyhagan is my fashion blog Instagram. I have a YouTube channel and a fashion blog and this is my Instagram where I post my outfits and my more “artsy” pictures. So shameless plug aside, I think that my Instagram happens to be kinda cool.
7. @thefuture_____2
Jalen Hurts is someone is who isn’t necessarily a student “Instagrammer” but is definitley Alabama royalty. Give him a follow if you want to see what this quarterback is up to.
8. @morgansavitch
Morgan Savitch is the most “realistic” out of all of these Instagrammers because her pictures are all pretty candid and just so cute and fun. Give her a follow if you want to see her cute feed and her amazing hair.
9. @toristerling
Tori Sterling is a YouTuber who also happens to attend Alabama. She does crazy cool makeup and has a beautiful Instagram feed. From all of her dramatic looks, to her outfits, this girl is someone everyone has to follow. One of my favorite student Instagrammers from The University of Alabama!