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10 GIFs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Suffolk University

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Suffolk University

Take a look at these GIFs that definitely describe what it's like to be a student at Suffolk University! We love Suffolk University!

Every school has its traits and status quo that fits with their students. I went to Suffolk University in the heart of downtown Boston, there’s definitely a lot of traits and characteristics to identify an SU student. Whether it’s the overdressed international student to the infamous beef with students at Emerson College. These are the GIFs that represent being a student at Suffolk University!

1.International Students Dress Like It’s Project Runway

Suffolk University is on the list of Best Schools for International Students. You will have friends who are from other countries who tend to wear clothing that cost more than your books! You gotta respect the time and effort International Students put into an outfit! While you’re wearing sweats in your 8AM speech class, they’re wearing a glam makeup look and head to toe designer outfit. Most importantly International students love wearing Canada Goose coats during the winter!


2.The Random Couple Making Out In The Dorm Laundry Room

If you lived in one of the student dorms, there was always a random couple that would have a full blown hook up session in the laundry room. They had no problem with displaying PDA while everyone around them was either studying while getting laundry done. This is accurate to describe being an student at Suffolk University.

3.Having Tons Of Pictures Of The Zakim Bridge On Your Social Media

Suffolk University is located in the historic city of Boston. There are plenty of landmarks in the area to post dope pictures, but for some reason everyone at Suffolk loves to take pictures of the Zakim Bridge. If an SU student is originally from Massachusetts expect to see a picture or snap of the bridge!


4.The Student Athletes Act Like They’re Playing For A D1 School

Suffolk is NOT a sports school. We’re a division 3 school, which means there’s a small chance of the students athletes going pro unless they take the overseas route. The hockey players always took the sport seriously. if you’ve spoke to a hockey player at SU, some will express their dreams of being a Bruins player. Every conversation topic will involve something having to do with the Bruins. Don’t get me started on the basketball players!


5. The Girls Who Took Shopping And Lunch Trips Between Classes

The benefit with having Downtown as a campus is shopping! Everyone has made that quick trip to The Prudential Center to shop instead of heading to the library to study for finals. We all have that one friend who spent all their money for books on a sale at Primark! This is gif definitely accurate for the fashionistas at Suffolk University.

6.Running Around Campus For Free Food

If you’re always on campus, you definitely had the connections to get free food on campus. We all have that one friend who will text the group chat to let us know which club is giving free food. We’d only attend club meetings if there’s food and proudly grab a plate while the president side eye’s you for being selective with which meetings to attend. This is one of the GIFs that represents being a student at Suffolk University!


7.Struggling To Find A Seat At The Library

The library at SU is small as fuck. It’s usually best to have a friend to hold to seat or reserve a study room so you can have a place to sit around and watch Netflix. Let’s be real, majority of us usually go to the library to talk shit about professors and shoot our shots with someone on campus. If you can’t find a seat, just act like you’re looking for a book till you find an open seat. This is a sign if you went to Suffolk University.

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8.Side Eyeing Emerson Students

Suffolk University and Emerson students have always had beef! Emerson is just down the street from SU’s campus. Majority of the SU students who don’t like Emerson students are Communications Majors. Some are mad because they didn’t get into Emerson, while others just don’t like Emerson because its a trend on campus. If you’re walking on the Emerson campus with a Suffolk hoodie on expect to get looks. We share downtown as a campus but make it known we don’t like each other. This is one of the GIFs that represents being a student at Suffolk University!

9.Venturing Off To Other Schools To Find Parties

Everyone tends to venture around other college campuses for lit parties. Yes, the SU frat parties are ok but they’re better at BU, Northeastern, and MIT. You always gotta have your ears open to find out about the latest college parties. Who wants to spend money buying a fake and paying a lot of money for drinks, when there’s a high chance of getting caught and wasting money.


10.Feelings Broke While Walking Around Beacon Hill

Some parts of campus is in Beacon Hill, which is known to be filled of rich people or students who have their parents pay their rent! If you walk around the neighborhood, you can catch a glimpse of  someone’s window showing a display of artwork worth more than your student loans! This is one of the GIFs that represents being a student at Suffolk University!

Are there any other GIFs or signs that display if you were a student at Suffolk University? Comment and share with friends, classmates and your professors!

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