Categories: Lifestyle

Stuck at Home? 10 Free Online Classes That Will Make You Feel Productive

Free online classes are a great way to make use of your time whilst stuck at home! Bored with Netflix? Been on more walks than you can count? Aching to feel productive? These 10 free online classes are guaranteed to stimulate your mind and leave you wanting more!

1. Duolingo

Been wanting to learn a new language but never found the perfect time to start? There’s no time like the present! Duolingo is a free app that provides lessons in a variety of different languages. With daily reminders, your classes won’t slip your mind 

The easy-to-use site is extremely popular amongst people of all ages and breaks your learning up into reasonable, bite-sized sections. You’ll be fluent in no time! 

Start learning here

2. The Science of Well-Being

Ever wondered what it’s like to take a class at Yale University? Wonder no more! Although you won’t be attending classes on campus, Yale’s most popular class, “The Science of Well-Being”, can now be found online! Professor Laurie Santos breaks down the science behind why we think the way we do and how we can “train” ourselves to be happy. 

This class teaches the exact type of positive thinking that can be exceptionally useful when feeling the tolls of cabin fever. Take the lessons you learn into other parts of your life and change your mentality for good! “The Science of Well-Being” can be found on the Coursera site, which is home to a hub of different college courses, all at your fingertips! Make a free account and start exploring today! 

Start learning here

3. Khan Academy

Whether you need help with Trigonometry, AP Chemistry, studying for the MCAT, or are interested in some Art History classes, Khan Academy has it all! Offering a range of free online classes, Khan Academy utilizes video lessons to provide interactive and engaging material to learners.

With material designed for all grades and levels of education, anyone can find something new to explore. Don’t be scared by its reputation for solving complicated math problems, classes like “Late Gothic Art in Italy” and “The Art of Storytelling” are just as popular! 

Start learning here

4. #kitchenquarantine

Exhausted all your favorite meals your mom fixed when you were 9? Looking for inspiration? Look no further! Professional chef Massimo Bottura has taken to his Instagram, posting recipes for everyone to follow! These episodes are part of a series he calls #kitchenquarantine and is quickly gaining traction! 

Easily accessible on social media, Bottura’s free online classes are interactive and feel like personal cooking lessons. Don’t be afraid to add your own touch and find your favorite dishes to impress friends and family at the next reunion. 

Start cooking here

5. FreeCodeCamp

Want to learn to code but have no idea where to start? FreeCodeCamp is here to help! With these free online classes, you go from learning the basics to coding in a language of your choice. 

It may seem daunting, but with the supportive community found on the site, at every milestone, you are showered with reaffirmations of your progress and success! Not only will you be learning a valuable skill in your free time, you’ll also be making friends who are in a similar boat! 

Start coding here

6. TED Talks

While not exactly coursework, TED Talks are free video talks made by leading experts that provide information on a vast selection of topics. Listen to videos about anything, from early childhood education to spam emails, there’s something for everyone. 

While there aren’t quizzes or worksheets to track the information you learned, the talks are still highly informative and you’ll find yourself so engulfed in the speaker, you won’t need a grade to force you to listen. 

Start listening here

7. Goldsamp

It’s easy to lay in bed all day watching Netflix when you’re stuck at home, but nothing will make you feel more productive than getting your blood pumping! From now until the end of May, Gold’s Gym is offering their app for free. Get access to hundreds of free online classes, both live-streamed and prerecorded, with famous personal trainers. 

Learn the healthy and safe way to get a full-body workout in your very own living room! Designed to accommodate whatever tools and machinery you have available, this site is a great way to get you up and moving. 

Start exercising here

See Also

8. Imagining Other Earths

Thinking about all the real-world problems that feel ever so imminent, an other-worldly escape may be just what you need. A course offered by Princeton University, Imagining Other Earths, is now available online also through Coursera. 

If you’ve ever been interested in planets, or maybe just love the movie Interstellar, this course will give you the opportunity to invent your own solar system! Learn about topics in astronomy, biology, and a host of other sciences and impress people with your knowledge the next time a space movie hits the Hollywood big screen! 

Start learning here

9. CorePower Yoga On Demand

Yoga is the perfect way to wind down for the night. From 1-minute mini-breaks to 60-minute classes, CorePower has something for the beginner, the advanced yogi, and everyone in between. With different classes designed to focus on different poses, stretches, or muscle groups, you have the freedom to pick and choose what body area you want to target! 

The website is user-friendly and very descriptive, so you know exactly what lesson you’re starting and what to expect. 

Start exercising here

10. COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus

Last but not least, feeling like you’re out of the loop? Unsure who to trust? This free online class is all about the coronavirus and how health professionals are dealing with the spread. It’s a multiple week course, or you can binge it all in one sitting, and can get you up to speed regarding the COVID-19 threat.

The most productive, and most important, thing you can do while stuck at home is to stay informed! 

Start learning here

Which of these free online classes will you be tuning into? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature image source: Pinterest
Ariel Zedric

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