Graduating can be a pain in the bum, especially when graduating from Stanford. It will hurt, and it will bring back all of the good old memories. Fortunately, if you take the right precautions, you’re not going to suffer that much. That’s why we prepared a list of “what-to-expect” struggles you’ll face after graduation.
More than 30% of college students graduate without a definite future plan in mind. Is that considered completely irresponsible? Maybe. After four years of taking interesting classes, researching, and designing your own senior research project, there is no way you can’t know what you would like to do further on.
It could be traveling, writing, playing sports, or taking amazing photos. Whichever your passion is, you should follow it, and turn it into a plan. Try to have that ready by the beginning of your last semester. It will make things so much easier for you, trust me!
As I was highlighting before, making real life decisions is not going to be easy. It’s going to be challenging and demanding, but totally worth it in the end. Make sure you make the right decisions for you. Do not push yourself to the limits, and feel comfortable with any future life decisions that you are making. While they are struggles you’ll face after graduation, they’re struggles you will conquer.
For instance, if your parents would like you to go to medical school but you don’t think that is the right choice, confront them, and let them know about your own plans.
Saying goodbye to good friends, amazing parties, and extraordinary teammates can be really painful. Four years is a long time, so you might feel like a part of you is being ripped apart. That is totally fine! You are human, so you should feel that. Don’t try to control the feeling. Let it flow. Inhale, exhale. Breathe. Imagine taking a hike to The Dish. Everything will be fine.
Even though it will definitely be one of those struggles you’ll face after graduation, by the end of your senior year you should have an idea of what your passions, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses are. Here are some questions you could ask yourself: What do I enjoy doing? Am I passionate about it enough? What types of jobs do I prefer, and what is my criteria of choosing the right one for me?
Graduating college means becoming financially independent. You cannot rely on your parents’ money anymore. Thus, you should start planning your budget accordingly. Soon, you will face true financial responsibilities. Saving ahead of time is always a good option.
There are so many students who try to be something they are not when graduating. They include fancy words in their speeches and cry even if they don’t feel like it. Please, don’t do that. Stick to your own self if you want to leave Stanford feeling good about yourself.
Drinking is a big part of any college student’s life. Even though its going to be one of the many struggles you’ll face after graduation, drinking isn’t everything! You might feel nostalgic about your “teenage” years, when you were drinking naked in the Aquatics Center, hoping nobody would come in. What can I say? Let that go! Better things are coming your way, and classy wine nights with your graduate friends might be one of them.
Choosing your personal style is important when you graduate. You’ll feel the need to change something, and this is always a good place to start. Feeling confident in your own clothes is crucial for future grad school or job interviews, so make sure you pick your favorite brand and change your wardrobe!
You’ll soon start thinking about old habits. Analyze them, and get rid of the ones you don’t like. Graduating is the beginning of a new era, so make it irreplaceable and productive in your own, special way!
Becoming financially independent comes with many responsibilities, such as paying taxes or bills. Make sure you get a grasp of how things work before graduation, so you won’t end up clueless at the end of an amazing four years.
The sad thing about graduating is that you leave all of your good friends behind. The nice thing about graduating is that you get to meet new people and develop new connections. Enjoy this time of your life, and make the best out of it!
Changing lifestyles might be uncomfortable and mentally challenging. Even though that is the case, don’t try to replace good memories with bad habits. Keep a healthy diet, exercise, and don’t forget to smile! Even though you won’t jog by the Arguello Park every morning anymore, you can still do it on your own and admire other views!
Hooking up is something we’ve all experienced in college. It is neither unusual, nor odd. Remember, grad school is not the best place for hook-ups anymore. You should start considering a real relationship. What do you want from your prospective partner?
Nostalgia and great memories will drag you back on campus. Sipping a coffee with your friends at the traditional Stanford Bookstore Café will never get old! So, don’t think about it twice. Do it! Visit your beautiful campus again!
I know we’ve slightly touched this subject already, but you really must think about your future plans. Leave the distractions aside and start deciding what you’d like to spend your life doing from now on. Whether you’d like to become a skydiver or a fiction writer, now it’s the time to find that out by asking the right questions.
Remember the Main Quad in the Memorial Court, where all students would gather and shout out their dreams? Transform those dreams into plans and conquer the world!
First, congratulations on your graduation! You deserve it. Second, heads up, better things will follow, trust me. Good luck!
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