5 Struggles You Feel If You’re Living With Your Parents This Summer

You’ve packed up your car and driven home. You’re excited for summer fun and to meet up with all your hometown friends again. No school work, no deadlines, and you’re thrilled for freedom of the season . . . but then it hits you. What freedom? I’m living with my parents again! Yes, while you’ll certainly be able to enjoy your summer, there are definite downsides to living with your parents after experiencing the freedom of college. Here are five struggles everyone can relate to.
1. Your Room
If you’ve ever heard the questions, “Why isn’t your room clean?”, “How do you sleep in here?”, or “Did a tornado pass through?” you know exactly what I mean. Our age range isn’t the best at keeping our rooms nice and tidy and your parents most likely forgot about this while you were away at school (or hoped you’d grow out of it).
2. Dinner
Okay, this one may not seem like that big of a deal for those who like to plan ahead, but for the rest of us, knowing whether you’re going to be home for dinner, what you’re going to want to eat, and if you’ll be helping in the kitchen is a real struggle. A lot of us are used to just leaving our rooms when we get hungry and deciding what we want to eat by the length of the lines in the dining halls.
3. Guys
Now you know that any boy you bring home may be fair game for scrutiny. Your parents will want to know all about your relationship. Are you dating? Are you friends? Where’d you meet? What’s his major? Does he have a job? All these questions may play like a broken record over and over again through the kitchen until something even more scandalous comes around for conversation.
4. Curfew
For some, returning home unfortunately means returning to a curfew set for you back in high school. This can be very difficult after living like an adult at college the last two semesters. If you’re like me you may have never had an actual curfew. However, that does not save you from the judgment the next morning for why you came home at 2:30am, why you didn’t leave the house until 11pm, or how the dog woke them up when you pulled in the driveway.
5. The Overall Idea That You are No Longer A Child
Maybe they complain you aren’t doing enough around the house while they are at work, completely forgetting that you are also out working. Maybe they want to know where you’re going every time you leave the house. Maybe they still want to judge your taste in music, TV, or style. All of these can be extremely annoying but the only way to combat this is by either giving in or asking to have a conversation to tell them how you feel you’re being babied.
Although all these struggles are very real, remember that these are the people who raised you. They mean well and only want the best for you. You’ve got a roof over your head and someone who cares about you just down the hallway. I know it’s hard to get readjusted and there will be times when living with your parents is extremely difficult, but just be sure to show that you’re grateful because whether or not you share blood, a last name, or a house, you do share a mutual love for each other (and remember, it’s only 3 months).