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10 Struggles Female Skiers Have

10 Struggles Female Skiers Have

Female Skiers are bad ass. However, there female skiers get it hard sometimes since it's a sport initially thought to be for guys. Here are 10 struggles.

Before winter 2018 hits and we are all pumpkin spice late crazy, us women should be gently reminded about what we are going to endure this winter. Like many winters in our past there are some things that summer has us women forgetting about in terms of getting back on the slopes. Here are the 10 struggles female skiers have (in case you forgot).

1. Finding New Snow Pants

This battle is worse than finding the perfect pair of jeans. Not only are snow pants an expensive purchase but they are needed every day you are out. Finding the perfect pair is nearly impossible; we settle for something “good.” It seems as if outdoor companies haven’t jumped on board with the #allbodies movement when creating their clothing. Women’s snow pants tend to be built like the boys. Unlike boys’ snow pants… ours come in pinks and feminine colors. It’s really hard to find a pair that fits well in the thighs and butt while being practical and good quality. They also need to pass the squat test because there is nothing like ripping your new pants right down the butt from holding a killer tuck. 

2. Hair Icicles #thestruggleisreal

Nothing like having your ponytail exposed while going under a snow gun; which turns your beautiful hair into an iced beaver tail.


3. Back-Country Expeditions

It’s not the gear that makes this difficult it’s the lack of facilities to go to the bathroom. Using the woods as a bathroom is not a problem 8 months out of the year but in a blizzard while wearing so many layers… it’s way more difficult than being a guy.

4. Helmet Hair

So we’ve mastered our day out on the slopes and it’s time to call it for the day. We ladies know that the hat is the first thing to come off. Nothing like helmet hair to dampen a mood. We all have our own methods of dealing with this but the go to is a beanie and a smile. Bonus points for trendy ski-brand hat, Minus points for a ball and stick sport promo.

5. Cotton is Rotten

Nothing is worse than cotton and specifically cotton undies. They don’t wick away moisture and they end up making you cold. It’s just a no. Stick to performance based items.


6. Sports Bras and Bumps

Double up with duct tape if you’re blessed with a larger chest.

7. Being One of the Guys

Lets be real, we all can joke around and shout from the lift heckles just as well as the guys can. The guys forget we are allowed to be feminine; we’re going to check our hair in the bathroom and ask you if our base layers look cute. You never know who you’re going to meet Apres Ski.

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8. Unwanted Attention from Base Layers

Women’s base layers cover everything while simultaneously showing everything. Nothing like wearing a whole lot of spandex skin tight layers to gain the attention in the pub. You can either deal with this issue by wearing your snow pants the rest of the day with a hoodie or go all out in a tracksuit type getup. Extra points for looking like 2000 era Paris Hilton.

9. Lack of Women

Unlike a lot of other sports there aren’t as many women into skiing and riding out there. We need to keep encouraging women to get out there and stick with it. The older you get the less ladies there are out there ripping alongside you. Come on girls!

10. Spring Skiing

We love spring skiing because it’s the rowdiest time of the season. Breaking out our jean shorts and bikini top to stay cool. The downside is trying to stay cute because for the first time in 5 months our bodies are actually exposed and we are as pale as can be. Also string bikinis can be a no-go if you’re not willing to let yourself accidentally flash the crowd at high speeds. Bonus points for Hawaiian themed anything.

Let us know what you think about female skiers! Drop us a line!!
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