On July 30, Reddit user u/UNIQUE-USERNAME-853 asked fellow Redditors who are part of the r/AskReddit Community, “What is the worst thing your teacher has ever said in front of a class?” In an instant, the Reddit thread went quickly viral and as of August 19, has over 16,500 comments.
Now, with all of that being said, take a look down below and read the following 15 Stories of People Sharing The Worst Thing That A Teacher Ever Said In Front Of The Class:
“Man old teachers can be the worst.
We had an old German substitute teacher at my high school. Like so old it looked like he could collapse at any given time. He told us about how he used to be a Nazi back in WWII. I guess this is also the time to mention that my school was predominantly white. We had maybe 20 black students total. The sub had asked one of these students to bring him a stapler or something like that, which the student the brought him. His response, which got him fired immediately, was something like “Wow I didn’t expect one of your kind to be helpful. A lot of you people are like monkeys.”
Pretty sure the only reason that student didn’t punch him in the face is because the teacher would’ve crumbled.
Edit: Just to clarify, this was in the US. He was teaching a World History course. He had immigrated to the US from Germany at some point. He didn’t specify if he was actually in the Nazi Party or a sympathizer.”
–Redditor Coca_Cola_Cowboy
“The father of a class-mate died in a motorcycle accident, he went into a corner too fast and crashed into a tree.
A couple of days after the accident (which was the first day my class-mate went to school again), our physics teacher decided that it is a good moment to teach the “speed doesn’t kill you, acceleration does”-lesson. With the example of a motorcycle driving into a tree.”
–Redditor Tschaix
“Worst thing and also best thing. History class. Kid punches the kid in front of him in the back of the head. Teacher sees this and says, “now he’s gonna punch you in the head and your all gonna sit there and watch because there’s nothing you can do about it.””
–Redditor StuckNTX_plzsendHelp
“I had a teacher when I was 13/14 years old that said to a girl of the class she was going to end up prostituting. In front of the whole class. Same teacher said to an other girl that she was going to end up working at McDonald’s if she kept having bad grades. Same teacher told the whole class our parents were “ungrateful to the pedagogic team that takes care of their children” because she didn’t receive any chocolates for Christmas.”
–Redditor SkankIHuntI42
“”I don’t know why there are so many girls in this class. You’re supposed to be married and have children already”
–11th grade advanced physics teacher.”
–Redditor CichaelMlifford
“When I was a freshman in college, my public speaking professor (from Texas) walked into the classroom about 10 mins late, fanning himself off with a stack of papers. He loudly declared “HOWDY Y’ALL!! MAAAAAN it is hotter than a baby in the backseat today!”
Everyone was silent. He turned it into a lesson by saying that we were not a “responsive audience.””
–Redditor Birrrddyy
“I had a prof that had given us an in class assignment. He was a shitty teacher and we were first year students so we didn’t finish it and he told us to take it home and finish it and when we were done to “Bring to me. Bring it to daddy.” He was Greek and didn’t know the context, but he was the head of the department so we all held back our giggles and left.”
–Redditor Kamon0253
“‘She should just hold her period in,” – A year 10 science teacher.”
–Redditor Spinachfetaroll
“Sixth grade social studies teacher told the class about the time he and a friend set fire to a cat. He laughed at his story until he noticed people were shocked.”
–Redditor Ricotta_pie_sky
“A substitute in my school was teaching a senior English class overheard a rowdy kid joking that he was going to jump out of the (2nd story) window. The teacher then proceeded to say, “Jump out of the window then. You won’t do it.” He did it. Sub couldnt teach that class anymore. Kid got in trouble. Videos circulated for weeks.”
–Redditor Antiquerainbows
“Teacher once said, to a class of 17-18 year olds, “perhaps one day we will find other suns in space…..”
–Redditor Icemangiger
“I had a math teacher last year who despised me. She had the idea of saying everyone’s test grades in front of the class. This was early in the school year so the test was just seeing what we remembered. I remember nothing. “And the lowest score goes to Recent-Pineapple, well done, you might as well go back to fourth grade” The best thing about it? The rest of my test scores never scored lower than 90.”
–Redditor Recent-Pineapple
“I once had a substitute teacher for my health class and he went on this long rant about how rape can be justified. So many people complained about him.”
–Redditor Spazmcgee1
“In high school, on the first day of class, my calculus teacher told the whole class “I’m being forced to teach Calculus and don’t want to teach it so here we are.” That ruined the respect and morale of the class for the whole school year. Many students just didn’t do homework and barely worked, yet it was an easy A for those that did the work, in what should have been a hard class.”
–Redditor Whitesoliderboy
“The morning after parents night, boy in the class was talking over the lesson for the 100th time that term and the teacher says:
“Johnny! This is exactly what I was saying to your mum last night.”
The class burst into laughter, the teacher went red at the implication and Johnny didn’t talk over the lesson anymore.”
–Redditor Ginger_bottle
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