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50 Stereotypes Of All 50 States Coming From Someone Who Has Only Visited 4

50 Stereotypes Of All 50 States Coming From Someone Who Has Only Visited 4

We all love stereotyping. I mean that in the most relateable way possible. I don’t mean we love judging people, I mean whenever we hear someone does a certain hobby or watches a certain show there are stereotypes that come to our minds that are sometimes a little funny. There are stereotypes for pretty much everything, including where you’re from. I’ve only genuinely visited about 4 states, so for some kicks and giggles, here are 50 stereotypes about each state from someone who isn’t quite well-traveled: 

1. Alabama

I hate to start out on such a harsh note with these stereotypes, but when it comes to Alabama we all have that one stereotype in mind. Alabama is a cousin-loving state. You know, keeping it in the family. On a real note though, all they have going for them are their football teams. 


2. Alaska

Not much seems to happen here, pretty much everyone lives off the grid. So basically nobody from Alaska will be able to see this, what a shame. I heard you can see Russia from there, though!

3. Arizona

It is pretty much deathly hot here. I don’t even think that’s a stereotype, it might actually just be a fact. It’s a desert basically, but Phoenix might have some more stuff to offer than just desert. Also, everyone has a cactus in their year.

4. Arkansas

I sometimes forget Arkansas even exists. Arkansas in my mind is just another Alabama, a bunch of rednecks, but minus the football part. Also, they are some serious moonshine lovers.


5. California

Ah, California. The stereotypes are pretty much never ending here. However, the one I mostly go to when I hear California is that everyone blond haired, blue eyed, and extremely high-maintenance, both physically and emotionally. Also the voice, you know THAT voice. 


6. Colorado

Weed is legal here so I can only assume that everyone is high at least once a day. Also, everyone likes to ski. It seems beautiful there, I will admit. 

7. Connecticut

This state is so tiny, everybody HAS to know everyone. I refuse to believe other wise. Everyone there also pretty much only goes to UConn, because where else in-state would they really go. 


8. Delaware

Delaware’s beaches are really underappreciated. There’s no sales tax there, so that either means cost-of-living is super high or super low. Either seems accurate.

9. Florida

Everyone here is either retired or just absolutely deranged. Florida is pretty much known for being a retirement state, but we all see those “Florida man…” articles and can’t help but think the rest of the people there are absolutely crazy. The only exception is maybe Miami, but that’s it. 


10. Georgia

The southern accents here are thicc with two c’s. The only cities to go to are Savannah and Atlanta. They’re both beautiful cities, but that’s pretty much it. 

11. Hawaii

All I have to say is that it seems like there are just surfers and rainbows there. Maybe a little bit of crime. I came up with that stereotype because of the show Dog the Bounty Hunter. They were always catchin’ some wild people there.

12. Idaho

Idaho is the home of the potato. I got that from that one iCarly episode. Also the weather can get a little extreme. Super hot in the summer, super cold in the winter. I suppose that’s nice if you’re easily acclimated.


13. Illinois

Everyone from here probably gets really annoyed when people pronounce it “Illinoise”. Illinois is just so random, it doesn’t seem like Chicago should really be there. 

14. Indiana

There’s corn, just corn everywhere.


15. Iowa

Iowa seems like it’s made up of literally only small towns. Also, again with the corn like Indiana. It’s a farming state!

16. Kansas

Tornadoes! Kansas is like smack dab in the middle of the US and super flat, I think. I imagine either people live in the middle of a field or in a small suburb. Anytime I think of Kansas I immediately think of Wizard of Oz.

17. Kentucky

My mind just immediately goes to fried chicken when I think of Kentucky, for obvious reasons. Some people view Kentucky as a redneck state, but I think there is more to it than that. They are, how do I put this, refined farmers? The Kentucky Derby is held there, obviously, and it just gives me a sense of classiness.


18. Louisiana

There is great music and a ton if soul here. They have food you could seriously die for, but I’m pretty sure it’s slowly sinking into the ground because of water rising, so that’s upsetting. 

19. Maine

Maine is filled with a bunch of Vineyard Vine wearing, fish catching, boys. There is no denying that. I have firsthand accounts of this stereotype. 


20. Maryland

I’m pretty sure Maryland just breeds lacrosse players. Besides that the only other things it’s known for are Baltimore and Ocean City. Ocean City is pretty much just filled with a bunch of college students who want a cheap vacation.

21. Massachusetts

Massachusetts just makes me think of the colonial era. So I imagine there is a lot of historical things up there, as well as hauntings. I’d certainly haunt the place if I was killed for just potentially being a witch. Boston is of course there, which is a happening city, probably the only happening city and Cape Cod. 

22. Michigan

It’s quite cold there because of the lake and the people there don’t like Ohio. Not necessarily the whole state, just die hard Ohioians. 


23. Minnesota

I just imagine a lot of people here live in snow covered cabins. I just get that kind of vibe. Lots and lots of hockey fans here as well, from what I hear at least.

24. Mississippi

I’m pretty sure Ole Miss people are lowkey mean, so therefore Mississippi is not on my nice list. They have a fair share of rednecks, but a lovely river!


25. Missouri

Missouri reminds me of a state that might have a lot of old western towns. Whether this is true or not, I have no clue. People there don’t really know whether to consider themselves southern or midwestern. 

26. Montana

A lot of hunting goes on here. Also extreeemely crazy drivers! I’m sure they get tons of Hannah Montana jokes.


27. Nebraska

I know I said Indiana has a lot of corn, but maybe it’s Nebraska with the corn obsession. It seems like it’s pretty empty there, just some farmers doin’ their jobs. 

28. Nevada

Nevada is kind of like the Florida of the midwest. A lot of people retire there. Also, a lot of people from California migrate to there because of the over-population. I imagine mostly everyone lives near Las Vegas. It’s one of those states that’s a little underappreciated because it only really has one famous city.


29. New Hampshire

New Hampshire is one of those states where it’s a little hard to pick out on a map. It’s just comprised of a bunch of small towns. It’s a northern state that has good hospitality.

30. New Jersey

There are a lot of stereotypes that come out of New Jersey. One that is truly real in my eyes is that they all love tanning. You can seriously argue with me on this one. They have extremely thick accents and hard attitudes, but can still be sweet peas. They have trouble pumping gas when they are faced with the situation.


31. New Mexico

New Mexico and Arizona honestly seem like the same exact state. Really dry and hot. It seems like a quite diverse state, which is always awesome. All the houses look the same.

32. New York

Another state with a multitude of stereotypes. A lot of screaming goes on here. New York is pretty much defined by New York City. There is no escaping that. If someone says they’re from New York everyone will automatically think they mean NYC. People really can’t drive that well here.


33. North Carolina

Awesome family beaches here. Also an odd amount of attractive people. This is a state you either grow up in or vacation to. It doesn’t seem like a place many people move to, except maybe to Charlotte. A lot of hicks and rednecks, but the good kind. 

34. North Dakota

Everyone is religious in North Dakota. I’m sure people there probably have pet bison. North Dakota is kind of like the older sibling that used to be the favorite, but started to get outshined by their younger sibling South Dakota.

See Also
If you go to OSU or want to visit Columbus, get ready for an amazing time attending all kinds of events for everyone to enjoy!


35. Ohio

Ohio has very sophisticated professionals as well as extremely reckless quad riders. It’s very diverse personality wise. It’s almost like a wannabe Maine with the Vineyard Vine wearing boys. Also everyone is football crazed to the point that it’s concerning.

36. Oklahoma

It seems very quiet in Oklahoma. Maybe a little more conservative than other states. It kind of reminds me of Texas, but a simplified version. Life just seems simple there. A bunch of ranch living 

37. Oregon

Oregon is just full of hipsters, especially Portland, and people who like ducks? Nobody here is exactly ashamed of being from Oregon. It’s a pretty cool state. Lots of hikers.


38. Pennsylvania

They put french fries in their salad and pronounce things weird. A state that says “pop” instead of soda. If someone lives around Pittsburgh then they will make it known. Everyone is very loyal to Pittsburgh sports, even though they suck a little. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are those siblings that will fist fight over candy, but will also die for each other. There are potholes everywhere despite the fact that there is construction all the time. The Amish enjoy it here. I’m from PA if you couldn’t tell already,

 39. Rhode Island

I said Connecticut was small, but Rhode Island is minuscule. There is no way that everybody doesn’t know each other. It’s literally impossible. They probably swear a lot here.


40. South Carolina

The southern hospitality here is unmatched. College sports are pretty important considering there are pretty much no professional sports. Everyone is either a redneck or a trust fund baby. Has one of the best cities in the world. Sweet tea is running through everyone’s veins. The beaches are literally to die for. I live here now, and can confirm all of this. 

41. South Dakota

The younger, more favorite sibling between North and South Dakota. It’s only cool because Mount Rushmore is there, if you even want to consider that cool. 

42. Tennessee 

It seems like there are a lot of cool things to do here. Everyone here probably eats, breathes, and sleeps country music. I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t. Dolly Parton is probably everyone’s neighbor. Everyone owns an acoustic guitar. Nashville is like the LA of country singers.


43. Texas

Texas is just one big cowboy hat. I refuse to believe otherwise that everyone there has an accent. The babies there probably come out of the womb wearing cowboy boots. The food is good though, because everything is bigger in Texas.


44. Utah

Everyone here is Mormon and has at least 3 wives. I imagine everyone here has a lot of siblings, ya know, very big families. Everyone there is related, but not in the Alabama kind of way.

45. Vermont

I’ve actually been here before. Great place, but completely haunted. It’s all haunted and that’s what I have to say about it.


46. Virginia

Virginia wants absolutely nothing to do with West Virginia. Like absolutely nothing. There are a few hipster towns. It’s kind of the south of the north. Everyone here actually despises West Virginia.

47. Washington

It rains here a lot. Well, in Seattle at least. A lot of hikers probably live here. Hipsters, too. Maybe vegetarians. 

48. West Virginia

West Virginia is a combination of Alabama, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. It’s absolutely wild. There are people riding 80 mph on the highway with people in the bed of their pick-up trucks. They spit everywhere and are a little racist. Great scenery, though. 


49. Wisconsin

Everybody here eats cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They have a slightly different kind of accent. They are die hard Packers fans, because what else are they supposed to do with their lives there.

50. Wyoming

I think Wyoming’s population is like in the negatives. They probably ride horses to the grocery store and movie theater. Maybe even have a dual every so often.


There you go. I don’t know how many of these are truly accurate, they are stereotypes of course. Please take no offense. Every state is beautiful and unique in their own way, except maybe West Virginia. 

What’s your favorite stereotype about your state that you’ve heard?

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