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Top 7 Steps To Having A Blast At A Concert

Top 7 Steps To Having A Blast At A Concert

You did it: You scored tickets to one of your all-time favorite artists: half the battle is won already. But now the concert is coming up and you want to make sure you make the most of your musical adventure…here are some steps to help. 

1. Concert Buddies

Now, I’m not saying you can’t enjoy a concert on your own, because, sure, you definitely can…but there’s something about sharing this experience with another person that can really up your concert fun. 


2. Discography Review

Once I was invited to go see Arcade Fire with a friend who had an extra ticket. “Do you like them?” my friend asked. “Yeah,” I said, with a vague recollection of who they were. I had a week or so to get acquainted with their music. And boy, was I glad that I did. If you also happen to know who’s opening for your fave, giving their music a listen too can really add to your concert experience! 

3. Comfortable shoes

I know. You’ve got your concert lookbook all laid out, ready to put on that pair of platforms you never get a chance to wear, and this is the perfect time to try them out… believe me, I get it. But before you strap yourself in, consider what kind of venue your concert is going to be held at. Are you going to have a place to sit down when you need to, or are you going to be jostled amongst the crowd at the front of the stage? If you’re planning on standing for any longer than an hour, this may not be the time to break in those new shoes… unless you’re also prepared to deal with blisters.


4. Protein Before You Go, Teen

There’s nothing worse than being hungry at a concert. All you can do is focus on your belly instead of the dope people you came to see! Concert venues are like theme parks: they can charge whatever they want inside, so if you’re short on cash, you’ll especially want to make sure you’ll be good…at least until you can hit the McDonalds on the way home. 


5. Staying Hydrated

Concert venues can get hot. All those people crowded together, all those hot people on stage… it can be intense. Heat stroke doesn’t just happen on hot days at Coachella. This girl in front of me fainted at The House of Blues on a Sunday night in June, and it didn’t matter that she was inside in a tee shirt and shorts. Luckily, she turned out to be okay, but staying hydrated can definitely help lower your chances of heat stroke happening to you. 

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Pro Tip: If you do start to get woozy or dizzy or suddenly anxious in a crowd, let your concert buddy know. They can help you get to a place where you can sit down and sip at some water. Sometimes all you need is a little fresh air. 

6. Record the Best Moments 

There’s nothing worse than realizing that in your excitement you used up all of your phone battery before the main act comes on or gets to your favorite song…Bringing a portable charger can help with this, especially if you need to use your phone as a navigator to get to where you’re coming and going anyway…you don’t want to end up lost with no juice. However, even if you’re running on 100% all night long, you don’t want to end up spending your whole night looking through a screen. Chances are, that’s how you’ve interacted with this band in the first place! Sometimes setting your phone down can help you really realize that yes, this is actually happening, yes they’re there in front of you, holy crap! 


7. Enjoy 

Once you’ve got these things down, you’re ready to live in the moment, surrounded by fans and music-lovers. Relax and enjoy it, whether you’re by yourself and making new friends, worshipping your fave or getting hyped with your buddies. You’ve earned it.

What are some of your concert tips? Do you have a favorite concert memory or someone you’re excited to see? Let us know in the comments down below! 

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