12 Steps For Spiritual Healing And Motivation

Rebels, we often forget that we must be in tuned into #Self to be able to gain access to everything that the universe and source have to offer . We go throughout our days without depositing back into ourselves, forgetting that if we do not have balanced relationships where good vibes & dope energy are being offered/ and or deposited within us , we tend to end up EMPTY. Focusing on yourself is the most important task in 2018, which is why we will remain #SELFFULL. Here are the steps you need to know for spiritual healing!
1. Remaining within #gratitude !
Simply because without being forever thankful for our journey we loose sight of the positive things that we have happening in the right now moment .
2. Loving thyself !
We must remember to love ourselves no matter where we are within our journey . No matter what we have going on . no matter what we have that is going right or wrong . We must love ourselves no matter where we are within our #journey .
3. Journal !
Some think that the spiritual healing journey of journaling is either childish or just for girls/women ! Journaling is for everyone . To be emotional balance . To be emotionally connected to the divine is EVERYTHING. Being able to pull words from your thoughts and put them onto paper is another form of #manifestation . I generally write down both good and bad . But I only allow the good to remain in my journal and I burn the bad , because you do not want to manifest anything that is negative into your journey .
4. Remembering the #power that you possess !
Source has provided the power of co-creation into every living soul . Where you are within your journey is because of you . We set seeds of intentions without realizing , how fucking powerful we are ! You have the power to remove your negative thoughts and turn them into positive blessings . Imagine manifesting a dope ass life and BOOM that shit happens . Baby you are a powerful BEAST !
5. Guard your ENERGY !
We tend to allow people : Friends , Frenemies , Ex’s and others to remain in our lives . You are the keeper of thyself . Beefin up your energy security blocks the energy vampires. We see or have people in our circle who do not fuckin belong . Simply because they are not truly rooting for you . They are there to latch onto your energy and take from you . Protecting your energy is always #1 . Fuck the rest !
6. Stepping out into the unknown !
Stop allowing yourself to remain within your comfort zones. Step out and color outside of the lanes be crazy af . Be crazy for your goals for your dreams . Do not let being complacent stop you from reaching your goals . Go after what is you want and remember fear is an illusion .
7. Break up with being codependent !
This could be you attached to your expectations . This could be you attached to another soul . This could be you attached to comfort . Learning how to stand alone is a powerful ass thing . You do not need to be attached to anything because you are more than willing to reach higher heights and deeper depths solo …. Be your own cheerleader !
8. Crystals ! Crystals ! Crystals !
These are tools that are small but powerful as fuck ! Do some research and find the crystals that suits you . Look up your sun and moon sign and find the crystals that will help benefit you and what you have going on within your journey … They have truly helped me .
9. Saying NO !
Standing within your ground within your balance . Being a YES MAN will not get you anywhere but saying NO and not explaining yourself makes you powerful and keeps you balanced within self .
10. Understanding that everything that happens within your journey is a test that was set up for you to gain the lesson and find clarity .
Once you understand or see the lesson , your journey can move forward but not seeing what is right in front of you will cause your journey to go in circles .
11. Closure is not needed !
Every situation that is presented to you within your path will not end or go where you expect for it to go . If it ends only thing you should take from it is the lesson and understand that closure is not needed . Sometimes things need to end as they have started out of nowhere !
12. This is your JOURNEY !
You are the co creator of this spiritual healing jouney . Allow yourself to be free from society and live your best life, WITHOUT CONDITIONS ! BE A REBEL ! Manifest your best life and live that shit with no regrets! Love who you are wherever you may be within your journey !
Do you agree with these spiritual healing steps? Let us know in the comment section below!
Featured Image Source: www. Pinterest.com
Rebel to the naked eye . Spiritual to the third eye . If you are unwilling to hear the truth then do not ask me .