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5 Reasons Im Excited To Start At WVU

5 Reasons Im Excited To Start At WVU

10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At West Virginia University

Move-in day is coming so quickly and it’s safe to say all of the incoming freshman are nervous and excited. New experiences, new places, and new people are just around the corner! College is known to be an enlightening experience for anyone who chooses to go that route in their life, making it a crucial milestone. Here are 5 reasons why I’m excited to start at West Virginia University!

1. A Fresh Start

Coming from a girl who has lived in the same small town with the same people for her entire life, it is easy for me to say that I am absolutely thrilled to call Morgantown my new home. Although I love and will miss all of my friends and family, meeting new people and being surrounded by new scenery in a new state is going to be such a great experience for me. I am so ready for the culture shock I am going to experience at WVU. Hearing all the different accents and jargon will be music to my ears.

2. Sweet, Sweet Freedom

I’ve always been a very independent individual. However, that independence has been hindered by my very loving, yet very protective parents. I cannot express enough, just how eager I am to finally be on my own, doing my own thing. The feeling of having control over myself and my well-being is going to be so satisfying. For anyone moving out for the first time, this is a huge step into adulthood. I am ready to make my own decisions and plans.

3. Lets Go Eers

I am a huge sports fanatic; hence the reason why I chose a division one university with such a large fan base. I cannot wait to look around and see nothing but blue and yellow. You can be sure to catch me at every football and basketball game, as well as any other sports event. School spirit was important to me in high school, so I am certain it will only intensify during my time at WVU.


4. Cheers, Beers, And Mountaineers

It would be completely false and ignorant of me to say that I am not psyched for the tailgates, parties, and other fun events that will occur on campus. WVU is consistently ranked among the biggest party schools according to many sources. And I am 100 percent prepared to party like a Mountaineer.

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5. The Pepperoni Rolls

Enough said.


What are you excited about for freshman year at WVU!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit