10 Stages of Your First Full-Time Job

Welcome to the land of full-time jobs! The hours are 9-5, the copy machine always needs toner, and the break room smells like coffee. If you’ve never done the 40-hour week thing, it can feel a little overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Here are the stages of your first full-time job.
1. You Got The Job!
Woot, woot! After weeks and months of sending out resumes and going on interviews, you finally got a full-time job! Relish in this moment. Go out to celebrate. Have a drink! You did the damn thing.
2. Night-Before Nerves
This stage is totally normal! You’re about to enter a new stage of your life where most of your day is going to be at work… Oh, boy, what were you thinking? No more sleeping in, last-minute plans, and free days? Pfft, get that negativity out of here! It’s okay to feel a little scared, but remember that you worked for this! And you deserve this!
3. First Day Excitement
Your first day outfit has been picked out, steamed, and ironed. Your workbag is right next to your door. You have your lunch, water, and emergency snacks packed. It’s the first day of your full-time job and as the nerves dissipate, you have to admit you can’t wait to see what this chapter has to bring!
4. “Sorry to bother, but where’s the copy machine?”
So. Many. Questions. But ask all of them! Most of your (new!) coworkers will probably already volunteer information like where the restroom is or the best places to eat lunch, but don’t hesitate to ask more! If something is confusing, ask for clarification! Your new coworkers will appreciate your eagerness to learn.
5. The First Week Is Over!
YOU DIIIIID IT. The first five days at a full-time job can feel the most overwhelming, but they’re over now! Pat yourself on the back because that wasn’t easy. Go grab a drink with your friends on Friday night — they call it Happy Hour for a reason.
6. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
It’s the weekend and you can finally shut that dang alarm off for a couple days. You’ll probably sleep in till noon, grab a bite to eat, and then nap for an hour or two. Do it. There’s no shame. You were a busy little bee for 5 days, you can be a lazy bum for two.
7. Second Week Amnesia.
What goes where because of whom? I must’ve lost the sticky note about that one.. The first week was like a flood of information and it can hard to keep it all in. Just know, that’s totally normal. Things slip through the cracks, but go back to Stage 4 and ask those questions again!
8. I’ll See Y’all On the Weekends!
Sorry, guys, your “wyd” texts are getting ignored till 5 p.m. We’re full-time working people out here! This stage has FOMO written all over it, but try your best to remember that you worked for this full-time job! You can always see your friends on the weekend and now, you got the funds to do it!
9. Settling In
You finally understand what goes where because of whom. You know where the restroom AND copy machine are. You swing by Linda’s desk in accounting after lunch because she has a bowl of chocolates. You’re getting the hang of things. You get it. You’re doing it. And I am so proud of you.
10. Okay, I need a vacation.
Okay… this full-time job thing has been fun, but I need a little TLC. Whenever this stage occurs for you, listen to it! Go on a little weekend getaway or take a week off if you’re able to! It’s important to prevent a burnout at work and it’s okay to take a little me-time to do so!