
10 St. Patrick’s Day Memes That Accurately Describe The Holiday

If you’re trying to get into the St. Patrick’s day spirit, then the best way to do it is through St. Patrick’s Day memes. What better way to get ready for the holiday that celebrates heavy drinking and partying than laughing at the fact that we use it as an excuse to do so? Here are 10 St. Patrick memes that best describe how we American’s celebrate the holiday.

1. We don’t just drink on St. Patrick’s Day

American’s may use St. Patrick’s Day as an excuse to get drunk, but as a way to deter from the fact that we actually get drunk quite often. We don’t really need the excuse of a holiday, but it does feel good to have one. Doesn’t it?

2. The fact that we celebrate it a lot different than the Irish do on St. Patrick’s Day

It may be a  crazy, out of control celebration here in America, but it seems like we may actually forget why we even celebrate it. While we’re out drinking and wearing a massive amount of green around the country, it’s probably not the same in Ireland. Considering that’s where the holiday was born, maybe we need to double check our justification for getting wasted on this holiday.

3. There’s no point in a St. Patrick’s Day meme without the use of Patrick himself

Yes, we American’s have an obsession with cartoons that we just can’t deny. With Sponge Bob Square Pants being one of the most watched cartoons by millennials, how could we not think of the famous Patrick Star during this holiday? Is it really St. Patrick’s Day or is it just Patrick Star’s day?

4. Wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day

It’s a tradition for everyone to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, but why? Especially for those who forget about the holiday altogether, we wonder what is the actual importance of wearing the color when we have no connection to the tradition. Regardless, we will still get pinched and called out for not wearing it on this special holiday we know nothing about.

5. Another one about drinking, of course

For those who just want to drink, here’s a meme to justify your feelings. Pretty much everyone is just trying to find another excuse to get wasted and St, Patrick’s day is the perfect excuse. Let’s get a shot! It’s a holiday, after all.

6. Yet another one about drinking on St. Patrick’s Day

We always want to remember the holidays, but does St. Patrick’s day really count. If anything, we can get drunk and blackout without really caring about what happens. It’s not like you’re getting together with family and opening presents. If anything, you’re just trying to have a good time. This makes it easy to black out and not have to remember much of anything, because at least the pictures taken won’t be in your family calendar the next year!

7. A St. Patrick’s Day meme representing American’s celebration of this Irish holiday

To represent Americans, we have to have yet another cartoon character in the mix. What better way to do this than with Shrek, because at least he’s green too! Yes, American’s love St. Patrick’s day. We show this through our use of green characters and with Patrick Star, obviously.

See Also

8. Another one about wearing green

Ahh, another American figure that is green we can use to bring life to the tradition of St. Patrick’s day. This meme both accurately describes our way of following traditions, as well as making a joke out of them.

9. The Office on St. Patrick’s Day

What better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s day than to delve into the actual meaning behind it with the use of Dwight Schrute. He knows the most out of any character in The Office, right? For those of you that don’t know, it is said that St. Patrick drove out all the snakes in Ireland on this day. But, did he really? According to Dwight, this might not be true.

10. St. Patrick and the truth behind the snakes

As stated above, St. Patrick was said to drive out all the snake from Ireland. We know that he did it, but what was the reason? Maybe they really were just celebrating as hard as us American’s do on this day.

What are your thoughts when it comes to traditions on St. Patrick’s Day? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jordan Lueder

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